Back on the train we went, and sooner or later, ten o'clock came and we were forced into our sleeping quarters. Ahmed still had that distinct smell of marijuana on him, but thankfully it was starting to wear off. He also was oddly quiet when he entered our room that night. Ahmed was usually not the most talkative, but he was never not in a conversation. He didn't speak unless directly spoken to, and whenever that happened he was quite curt and short in his replies. But I didn't really give it a second thought, because he could just be tired.
I lay on my top bunk bed, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about things. There was no point trying to sleep with Isaac and Noah's constant talking.
"Abel, you awake?" asked Noah.
"Of course I'm awake, it's ten-thirty." There was a short pause. No one said anything but I got the feeling that Isaac and Noah were both thinking about earlier. About me.
"Look, mate-" Isaac began, "I get it if you wanna keep this a secret, because I guess it's kind of personal..." he trailed off.
"But we know you're seeing someone... one of the girls, I mean," Noah finished. I froze, not knowing what to say. It wasn't a surprise that they'd figured it out, but I was still hesitant to tell them anything.
"Yeah," said Isaac, "And honestly Abel, we're happy for you. We both have girlfriends like - wait, is Natasha your girlfriend?"
"Not really but whatever," muttered Noah.
"Anyway, we both have - partners, and we're just glad you've finally found one." Now I was starting to feel a bit pissed off. I sat up in bed, my head only a few inches from touching the ceiling.
"'Finally found someone'?" I repeated, staring over at Isaac and crossing my legs.
"No! I just mean-"
"Jesus Christ, I'm sixteen! And so are you, if you need reminding. It's not like I'm forty and still single. Also, stop being so fucking patronising. I am with someone and it's great, so you don't need to start lecturing me again about how having a girlfriend is the only way to have a good life."
"I'm not! I just-"
"Wait," Noah interrupted, "You are with someone?"
"Yes! And we're having sex."
"What? That's amazing!" Isaac exclaimed, "Tell us all about it! Who's the girl?"
"Um, isn't it obvious?" I heard Noah say from beneath me, "Him and Rosie have been giving each other these looks all day."
"Rosie? Is it her?"
"Why would I tell you?" I answered grumpily, "I-"
"Because you lost your bloody virginity. That's a pretty big thing. I knew there was something up when I came into your room. Was she there? Is that why you were acting all weird? Come on, Abel. Just tell us," Isaac pleaded.
"Just shut up!" I said. "If you really wanna know I'll fucking tell you. Just shut up, and don't tell anyone else about it after." Noah and Isaac nodded. I checked to see if Ahmed was listening or asleep.
"Ahmed, are you awake?"
"Yep. I can hear everything," I heard him say across from me. I looked diagonally down under Isaac's bunk and saw Ahmed playing on his phone.
"Okay, fine."
So I ended up spilling my guts to the guys that night, recounting everything that happened last night in full detail, because they wanted nothing less.

The Train To Nowhere
RomanceAbel Queboye is a sixteen-year-old boy from Woodshire, a large town encircled by the green forests of England. He's neighbours with Rosabella Winters, a passionate and witty girl with a fiery exterior, whom he's been friends with since birth. The tw...