Time for a Talk

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Fionna's POV:

I waited anxiously for Marshall to return, as I hoped that I would be given one more chance with Bubba. Not going to lie, but I was pretty jealous when Prince Gumball asked Marshall to walk with him instead of me and when I told Cake about this she just brushed me off. I'm probably overreacting, I said to myself, but for some reason I couldn't help but suspect that something was going on between the two, even though that's what regular best friends do.

"Fionna, he's coming back," Cake urged as a figure came into view, "Cross your fingers!"

I squinted to try to get a better look at the person, and Cake was right, it was Marshall, but something was different about him.

Disappointment crawled into me as I realized that his usual perkiness was replaced by dropping shoulders and a defeated look.

"I guess we can try again next time, right?" Cake encouraged rather feebly as Marshall came up.

"Yea, you're right. No need to get obsessed over that gumwad anyways," he shrugged.

"Excuse me? I"m the one who's obsessed?!? Says the one who stayed by his bed almost the entire night, and was practically jumping in joy when he woke up."

Marshall blushed and looked away silently muttering, "So what? Haven't you heard of friends?"

I fumed silently, knowing that my argument was lost, and I pulled Cake towards the exit.

"Umm, anyways, bye Marshall" Cake said over my shoulder.

He waved halfheartedly muttering to himself, while me and Cake left the castle and walked down the familiar path back to the tree house. The path that I had always taken to the Candy Kingdom, the place that almost feels like a second home to me. I turned my back and I looked back at the pink castle rising into the sky wistfully as Cake grew larger to give me a ride back home.

My thoughts about Gumball built up quickly, as I got annoyed at him for never realizing that I loved him. Why was he so stupid and so blind. I shouted out loud and slammed my fists onto Cake's back out of frustration.

Cake didn't acknowledge any pain except for a slight hiss and continued walking home.

When we arrived at our tree house, Cake turned around quickly and closed the door, bringing me upstairs and putting down in a chair.

"Fionna, we need to talk. Enough is enough. You've going to sit down in front of me so we can figure this out," Cake ordered, crossing her legs as she sat on a couch.

I nodded glumly, watching Cake put on a doctor's coat that was already set on the table between us. Cake always loved her so-called "therapy sessions". I mean it's really nice of her to sort out the mess that are my emotions, but honestly, it's not fair how I never get to be the therapist. I pouted at the thought of the injustice.

Cake notices this and frowns, before her face lights up with surprise. "Oh wait Fionna, I forgot the tea. You sit right here while I brew it," Cake perked up in a sing-song voice.

I groaned as Cake went to the kitchen, her cat arms stretching this way and that as she prepared the tea. She didn't have to make such a big deal out of this. I mean, sheesh, it's just a crush. My insides squirmed at those words, and I chose to ignore that.

"What tea would you like Fionna," Cake hollered. I shrugged and stuck out my tongue in protest. Cake sighed like I was a little child and walked over, a tray full of tea cups in her arms, "Green tea it is, I suppose."

Cake sat back down on the couch, holding the tea cup with her pinkie sticking out as she sipped from it. She set it down, took a deep breath, and began, "Fionna, what in the name of Glob is going on between you and Gumball. Don't give me that look. I thought that we decided that if he said no, you wouldn't overreact."

"I told you Cake, it's just a normal crush and I wasn't overreacting!" I retorted angrily.

" A normal crush, is it? I don't think it's normal for you to smell your crush's scarf. And nowadays, you practically act like he's your husband," Cake responded coolly.

My face flushed a shade of red Marshall would be proud of as I struggled to fight the horde of blood draining into my face. Cake smirked, knowing that she had hit her mark.

"What are you talking about," my voice squeaked.

Cake raised an eyebrow, still waiting for a genuine response.

"Fine, I like him a lot. He's just really sweet and he understands me well, ok," I snapped, "Happy now?"

"A lot? That would be an understatement. I think the word that you're trying to find here is obsessed. And let me tell you, it ain't healthy at all. He wouldn't even bat an eyebrow at you. Girl, you gotta snap out of it. The last thing you want is you hurting yourself over him. Find someone else. Someone you're comfortable with," Cake lectured worriedly.

My mind wandered off to a familiar image of a pale boy with pointy ears at the words, "Someone you're comfortable with". I touched my cup of tea for the first time and took a sip before I immediately gagged at the bitterness. Cake laughed as someone knocked on the door, "No more sugar for you, honey. Let me check who's outside."

I huffed and waited, and yet still, I couldn't help but think about Marshall. Maybe Cake was right, I always have to think about what I do when I'm in front of Prince Gumball. Don't get me wrong, he's awesome, it's just that when I'm with Marshall, I feel like I could be...myself I guess.

Cake walked back into the room cheering, "Oh my glob, oh my glob! Fionna, guess what!"

"What," I asked apprehensively.

"Apparently, we're the new princesses of the Grasslands according to the Committee. And let me tell you they mean stuff," Cake bounced up and down excitedly, "Haha, now we're actual royalty! Take that, Ice Queen!"

I looked at Cake in shock, "Wait, how do you know that this is genuine? What if it's just some random made up stuff?"

Cake shook his head, "It's approved and sent by the Committee, so it must be genuine."

I tilted my head in confusion, "Who in the world is the Committee?"

"I don't know them personally. We should ask Marshall later. But Gumball was hosting that meeting for the Committee? Gumball was talking all about his "reputation" and making a "good impression". It looks like they mean stuff," Cake informed.

I gasped, Cake was right. Butterscotch Butler kept on muttering about Gumball being worried because he fainted. The way she and Gumball kept on talking about them made them sound like really important people.

Cake shook her head, and continued, "C'mon Fionna, we can celebrate that later. Right now, we have to finish our session. Nothing, and I mean nothing interrupts our sessions."

I nodded, no longer mad at Cake for poking on my feelings for Gumball, and now thinking about a certain someone. Maybe I wasn't mad and jealous at him for what I thought originally. Could it be? I mean, he's not that bad looking either. Maybe...

I sat down and whispered, "Cake I don't know. I've been thinking about this only for a short time, but I've only been focusing on Gumball. I think I have a crush on Marshall, too..."

I tapped my knees anxiously as I waited for Cake's response, her mouth wide open with shock.

"Fionna, how long has this been going on," Cake whispered ominously.

"Umm, I don't know, a few days ago maybe? I wasn't really focusing on it," I whispered back timidly, my hands tingling from where Marhsall had held onto it days before.

"Fionna Mertens, you're telling me that you've been having these feelings for almost a week and still haven't told me," a flash of hurt appeared on her face, but it soon disappeared as an evil smirk replaced it, "Honey, scratch Operation Gumball it's time for Operation Vampire."


Fionna's gonna be experiencing one emotional roller-coaster. Thanks again for reading my story and please comment and vote if you liked this chapter! Thx! <3

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