Wildflower Valley

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Marshall's POV:

"What is wrong with me," I yelled out loud as I threw the pillow forcefully onto the floor. Several days had passed by after my aunt's visit, and my stay at Fionna and Cake's place. My shoulders shuddered at the thought.

I groaned out loud as I threw another pillow across the room, a now unholy mess resembling the battlefield in my mind that appeared ever since I had left Fionna's house.

After what my aunt said and after Fionna's conversation...maybe I didn't want to be gay anymore. I let out a heavy sigh, the thought already having been passed through my mind multiple times.

I don't want to be sad and broken like this anymore. I laughed out loud bitterly like a maniac, "It's what he would have wanted me to do. Be happy..."

My voice dropped steadily until it was barely an audible whisper, "I confided all my secrets to you. I've filled up all my most valued memories with you. It's like I can't live without you."

A book made a large crashing noise as it hit the opposite wall. It frustrates me how much Bubba meant to me and how important he is to me to the point that I'm basically on life support without him. Does he even care about me at all on the other hand? I thought bitterly about the tears, cuts, and scars that followed after he had rejected me as a fucking person.

Tears, scars, and cuts that never went away. Guess time couldn't heal this wound, I thought angrily.

It's funny how even the happiest memories I have are filled with pain and sorrow. Maybe it's time for those spots to be replaced. All the pictures in my house were destroyed. Maybe it's time to fill the house with new ones.

My mind throbbed painfully at that notion, unwilling to change its perception of life after so many years. I suddenly jolted at what I had just said, he's no longer a person in my life, he is my life.

Another book was thrown across the room, as I yelped in pain at my growing migraine.

The ringing of my phone didn't help either as I grumpily stumped over to see who was calling. I groaned at the screen displaying the person I would like to see least at the moment. Yet almost instinctively, I found myself picking up the FaceTime call and steeling my voice before saying, "Hey Bubba, what's up?"

"Hey Marsh-" his voice changed from casualness to worry, and a frown formed on his well chiseled face, "Woah, Marshall, are you feeling alright? You look really tired at the moment to say the least. Do you want me to call back another time?"

I rolled my eyes at him and scowled, annoyed at how kind and caring he is as if it was in his genes, when I'm trying to move on from him.

"I'm fine Bubba, I just haven't had a lot of sleep last night. That's all." Bubba rolled his eyes, it wasn't like I was lying to him. I stayed up all night, my migraine refusing to let me sleep thanks to him.

"Get some rest," he urged.

"It's fine. I'll take a nap earlier," I dismissed his concerns, "Is there anything wrong Bubba?"

Bubba eyed me suspiciously before he finally accused, "Don't change the subject Marshall. I don't think your room being a mess has anything to do with you not being able to sleep," he took a sharp intake of breath before finally saying in a high pitched voice, "Is that Dr. Rose's book I see there?"

I raised my eyebrows at him, confused at his response, then turned my head quickly to look at what he was pointing at.

A thick leather-bound black book sat on the corner of my room with the words, "Laws of Aaa" neatly printed on the cover in a shade of red ink comparable to a rose. I scratched my head, confused on how it got here.

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