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I woke up, my heads pounding, and I look around, noticing the similar place, the void, the magic void-

Harrison's POV:

I look around at all the Rabbits, cards, and other magic items....except for one..., a Old style TV, next to it a remote, so being the curious child I am. I decide to turn it on....nothing. I mean, what did I except it's not like there would be a signal in the first pl-. Suddenly the void is gone, I hear a buzzing sound behind me, I turn around only to see a familiar scene appear, a scene I'd rather forget to be exact....

The day I made My little brother disappear....

My little brother was turning 6 and my family had thrown together a birthday party for him, he knew all about my magic and wanted me to perform for him and the rest of my family... and so I did, I pulled a rabbit out of my hat, I did your simple card trick, and even the quarter behind the ear trick, but no matter what I did, my brother was still unimpressed, "Hey Harrison, what about you make me disappear?", "Well-" "Yeah Hari, why don't you show your old pop an actual trick-" my grandpa said, soon my relatives started rambling, little did they know, none of the other tricks went as planned, but I knew that this is what Henry wanted, he has done so much for me, and it is his birthday, so I put him in the bright colored box, but before I locked it, he looked me in the eyes and said "Are you sure this is gonna work?", obviously I couldn't lie to him, I couldn't tell him "Probably not, I mean, none of these other tricks worked, doubt yours will-", so I told him "Of course-"....If only I knew that was the last thing I'd ever tell him my whole family was at the edge of their seats, my parents In the back giving me a warm sweet smile, "And with the touch of my wand, I'm gonna make this here birthday boy disappear-" I tapped the wand on the box a few times, and opened up the now empty box "Ta-Da!" I yelled, my family all clapped in amusement, "And that's all for today's Show-" I said about to walk off "Aren't you gonna bring him back?" My mom said nervously, I chucked, "Of course I am- I wouldn't leave my little brother behind, so with the sound of my voice and the touch of my wand, Henry will reappear!" I tapped the wand on the box and said "Abbracadabra!" I reopened the box to reveal Henry "Ta Dah-" I said with a smile on my face, but when I looked back at my relatives, they didn't share the same expression, I looked inside the box and....he wasn't there, I quickly shut the door "A-ha, don't worry, that was part of the trick.." I said as my heart beat started to quicken and my breath turning heavy, I tried again, and again, and again, my realitives where now freaking out, terrified, "I-I can fix thi-" "NO YOU CAN'T HARRISON!" My dad yelled, "YOU MADE HENRY DISSAPER" my mom said distraught, i looked around at all the panicked family members and Then looked at the empty box, hoping, no, praying that Henry would come out of the box and yell "Suprise!" And it would all be a funny little joke....but it wasn't a funny little joke...and he never came back....

the scene dissapers along with the TV, and the void goes back to Normal, at least I thought it did until, "Harrison...". I herd a faint voice call out. Unsure of who it was, I respond back "Hello?" I said "Harrison.... why'd you do it?" I then realized who i was speaking too "Henry?!?!" "Harrison...?" I see a faint body in the distance "HENRY!!" I shouted rushing towards it, and there he was, Henry....I gently put a hand on his shoulder, "Henry....im- I'm sorry..." "why didn't you tell me Harrison..." "w-what..." he slowly turned his head towards me "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU COULDNT DO IT-"

My body shot up from my bed, my heart was pounding, I was sweating like mad, and my head was spinning, "Are you okay?" I jumped and looked towards where the sound was coming from only to see my tent partner and friend Preston, "Hmm- OH, uh y-yeah I'm fine-", "You sure? It looks like you've seen a ghost?" "Considering what I did, he probably is a ghost by now..." I said to myself "What?". Well at least I thought I did "Oh, it's...nothing, don't worry about it.." "if you say so-" he said continuing to write his play, probably a rip off of Hamilton where it's all about Benjamin Franklin or something on the lines of it, I looked at the time and date, 3:00 a.m, August 13th, aka the last day of camp, I took a deep breath

"This is going to be a long day.."

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