*kicks open door* im baaack

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Hey y'all! It's been....*looks at clock*a while..,and I apologize, and if you've read my other book you might know why, you see, I am a bit stuck with prestons backstory, spoiler alert, the next chapter is a Preston one, before his backstory was that his dad died in a theater related accident and his mom went missing or something, but now that I look back on it, it's very unlikely, I'm currently doing more to properly give him a backstory so it doesn't seem to off from himself, and as for him being genderfluid, I'm also going to change that, nothing against genderfluid people! Just looking back on it,  I don't think it suits him as much as a I thought It did, so long story short, the next chapter isn't going to be out for a little while because I need to rewrite some of it, I apologize for the inconvenience but I promise you this book IS still alive-! I'll try to have it up soon, anyway that's all for now!


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