~ Well, what are we gonna do with him?~

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Prestons POV:

I was sitting in my Cot working on my Benjamin Franklin musical when all of a sudden I hear Harrison jolt out of his bed as if he'd been being chased by a homeless man in heels offering him Tostitos, "Are you okay?" I asked him quietly, so he wouldn't set the tent on fire like last time, He jumped slightly and turned in my direction, "Hmm- OH, uh, y-yeah, I'm fine." I could tell by the way he was speaking that he wasn't, "You sure? It looks like you've seen a ghost..." "Considering what I did, he probably is a ghost by now..." he said to himself. "What?" I questioned, startled. He better not have made someone disappear or something. "Oh, it's...nothing. Don't worry about it.." "If you say so," I knew he wasn't okay, but he looked really distraught about whatever was bothering him, and I didn't wanna trigger him into another panic attack again. I decided to just let it go, it was probably a nightmare anyway. I went back to writing my musical, and I wrote about 2 pages before I fell asleep, dreaming about my life as a stage performer in front of an audience

I was out in the woods, in a small yellow pastel shirt with light blue overalls and a snail in my hand, I walked over too 2 fairly tall people "Mommy! Daddy! Look what I found!"...wait...mom, dad? I haven't said their name in years, and that's when I realized, this wasn't any of my normal dreams, in fact, this wasn't a dream at all, It was a flashback, it was August 16th, my 8th birthday, Me, my mom, and my dad were down in Wonderbrook Park, a small hiking trail in my town, I was down by a creek while my mom and dad were talking "Well, what are we gonna do with him?" My dad said "I'm not sure, we could put him up for adoption?" "No, he's already been through there before, what about-" my mother was cut off when I walked up to them holding a small frog "Look at what I found! I think I'll name him, William!" "Yeah yeah that's great sweetie, a snail and a frog how...nice, why don't you go back to the creek and keep looking-" my mother said with slight annoyance in her voice "Ok!" I said walking back over. "so back to what I was saying, What are we gonna do with him?" "Well..." my dad started "if we leave now while he's over by the creek then..." "Scott, that's..not a bad idea..." i wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, but I was able to make out that they were leaving, "By William!" I said dropping the frog back in the creek, grabbing my bag and then running back up to my Parents "I'm ready to go!" They looked back both suprised and annoyed, but shrugged it off and brought me back to the car, and that's when my dad got an idea. "Hey Preston.." my dad turned to me with a smile "I have an idea, what about we drop you off at Gram Grams and you can spend the night with her-" My eyes widened, I loved my gram gram with all my heart, she wasn't the best at hearing, or seeing, or, well, anything, but I still loved her. I responded back with giggles and nodding my head excitedly, my mom and dad shared a cheeky grin before starting the car and driving back to the house, once we reached the familiar Creme colored house and pale white driveway, my dad got out of the car "Alright Preston, me and your dad are gonna go and get your stuff ready, you stay here!" And so my mom got out the car and rushed back into the house, I pulled out my crayons and coloring book and began to draw, after an hour and 3 coloring pages my mom and dad came out with a suitcase. "Alright kiddo, you ready!" My dad said starting the car, I only hummed in return, we began the long drive to my gram gram, while we were driving, I started to get anxious, I've always had a weak stomach and I would often get sick on long car rides, so my mom handed me Ollie, my Stuffed otter plush, Otters where my favorite animal, something about them always made me happy, as a kid I'd dream about becoming one, sounds stupid, but i was little so you can't really blame me, and a few minutes after holding Ollie, I was fast asleep.

"preston...Preston...Preston!!!" My eyes slowly opened to reveal my mom and dad with my bags already out of the car "Where here-" my mom said happily, "Oh..Ok!" I jumped out of the car with Ollie still in my hand, I grabbed my suitcase from their hands and walked up near the apartment complex, "Hey mom, what number is Gram Gram again-" "Well, will see you later Preston!", and with that, my mom and dad were gone, and I haven't heard from them ever sense,

For the next few years my days consisted of me aiding my gram gram and helping her around the house, you'd think I'd grow to hate my gram gram for it but I didn't mind, in fact, I Learned a lot actually, I learned how to Cook, Bake, Wash Dishes, Do Laundry, Garden, and even Knit. But the greatest thing I learned was Theater, one day I was in my room, I was looking around to find something to watch when I found a box titled "Musicals and Plays". I was curious as to what these could be, so I picked up one of the CD's titled "Les Misérables" and began to watch, I was startled by the opening Drums and Horns, but once the show began, I was hooked immediately, next thing I know I'm sitting with my gram gram on the couch eating Ratatouille while watching Phantom of the Opera, it was the last film left in the box and I thought I'd share it with my gram gram, I looked over at her knitting what looked like a small scarf, "What are you making gram gram?" I asked her, she handed the small olive green scarf to me "Aww, this looks lovely gram gram, but I don't think this will fit me" I told her with a soft tone "Oh, it's not for you sweetie, it's for Ollie" Now, I should have been mad, I mean, I was almost 13, I wasn't a little kid anymore, but instead I smiled, not a forced smile, but a genuine smile, I went over and hugged my gram gram, "I love you Preston"

"I love you too gram gram"


Chapter 2 is finally here! I'm so sorry for the long wait, i already explained the whole fiasco last chapter, but I am really happy to finally be releasing this, I know it's not the best but I still hope you guys like it as much as I liked writing it, I'll start plotting out chapter 3 soon, thank you, and I'll see you soon *poof*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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