The Invitation/Noisy Night

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At the castle......
Asia is still trying to adapt to the lavish life style Issei provides her with, it was just so.......perfect
24 hour room service, high tech bedroom, best make-ups, pretty dresses, hologram phones and basically everything you could ever ask for

It was a regular weekend, the members of the Gears of Fate are taking a break from battle, and are just enjoying themselves.

Kuroka, Asia, and Le Fay are in the pool, Vali is training with Issei and Bikou, Arthur is brandishing his sword, but suddenly the alarm sounded

IRIS-"intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

She displayed a hologram of Sirzechs floating outside of the castle with his peerage and an army of devils

Issei was long prepared for this situation
Issei-"deploy the self defense system"
4 large turrets rises from the ground and is pointing right at Sirzechs

Issei was long prepared for this situationIssei-"deploy the self defense system"4 large turrets rises from the ground and is pointing right at Sirzechs

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IRIS-"holy energy charged, ready to launch"

Sirzechs-"wait! I just want to talk, All For One"

A giant hologram of Issei in his mask and suit appeared
"Oh? If you are here to talk, why is the entire army here, Sirzechs?"

Sirzechs-"it's not like I wanted to, the council fired me to bring the army here."

I am just going to refer to "Issei in business suit" as All For One from now on
All For One-"if you want to say something, say it outside, I can hear you loud and clear."

Spike (Sirzech's knight)-how dare-

Sirzechs cuts him off
"It's fine, Souji. Ahem, a day from now, there is going to be a peace conference between the three major factions."

All For One-"and what does this have to do with me?"
Sirzechs-"after some discussion with the council, we have agreed that it is important for you to be invited to the conference"

All For One-"and I thought you saw me as an enemy, Sirzechs?"
Sirzechs-"oh no no, the devils are actually getting STRONGER thanks to this business of yours. Now even the other races can get sacred gears, and because of that, you have unconsciously allied yourself with all of the major factions. That is why it is of top priority for you to be present."

All For One-"I see.....alright I will be there"

Sirzechs-"and one more thing, after some investigations, we have discovered that Kuroka Koujo is actually innocent, her master is the one that is truly guilty, and she is hereby pardoned for her crimes."

He opened a teleportation circle and left

There was a long silence in the group......

Issei turned to his members
"Did I hear that right?"

Vali-"you sure did"

Kuroka shed some tears and hugged Issei
"finally......I can go see Shirone *sobs*"


Bikou-"what are you thinking about, Issei?"

Issei-"inviting someone else to the peace conference needs the approval of all three faction leaders."


Issei-"we mostly targeted churches for sacred gears, why would Michael agree for me to appear in the peace conference?"

Arthur lifts his glasses a bit
"I think I know the reason"

Issei-"oh? Please do tell"

Arthur points at Issei
"They are after one of your sacred gears, Enkidu. They are probably going to use the peace conference to make you hand over Enkidu to the 'rightful owner'"
Asia-"yeah, that sounds about right, these greedy bastards will use God's name to get anything they fu%king want"

Issei-"well, I guess I know what to do."

Issei whispered the plan to the rest of the gang so quietly that even the readers can't hear it.

That night......
Issei was just about to go to bed

Suddenly, Altria and Serafall came inside Issei's room with almost nothing on

Issei-"U-u-uhhhhh, S-S-Saber? S-Sera Chan? Can we talk about this?"

Issei-"U-u-uhhhhh, S-S-Saber? S-Sera Chan? Can we talk about this?"

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Altria and Serafall ripped his cloths off


That night, no one was able to sleep because of the lewd noises coming out of Issei's bedroom

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