Chapter 2: But I Hate Him

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Author's Note: I just wanted to thank anyone who voted and or read my first chapter! I love you guys and you have no idea the difference it makes to me! :) Let's move on with the show~

I could already hear the giggles and chuckles of students close to me. You fucking bitches, at least I appreciate my mother. Unlike most, not all, but most of you whom act like there going to be there for you every single day. I love to be happy around my mum. Except my mum's boyfriend. I hate his guts. It's been a year since they started dating, but it just isn't enough to me.

I sped walk to my locker ready to get my stuff quickly and efficiently. But of course, the most pestering of students, Chase Ladenfield, felt like trying to be my unwanted bully again. Key word: tried. Bullies are, in my opinion, people who want to have some kind of power or control, any will suffice. I don't give such a thing to losers.

I noticed he had grown...quiet taller and bigger during the summer. His blonde hair looked just a tiny bit longer, however it was still short and his muscles were ripping right through his tight black T-shirt and his jeans were very attached to his VIP areas. His eyes are blue but not like my mum. My mum has light blue eyes with her black hair, this guy had dark blue eyes. Plus, he had freckles.

I was quite short compared to him. My raven black hair was a little wild today but my purple eyes as bright as ever. I was wearing a regular t-shirt but it was under my large, fluffy jacket and I wore dark blue jeans.

He came up to me as I closed my locker and stood right in front of me, I'm talking about standing right there! I could smell his perfume like it was my own! That's how close he was!

"Welcome back, Jaidyn." I felt like I had just entered some weirdos layer or something.

"Did I miss something or do you feel as though you suddenly have full control of me, the one and only smarty who beat you 3 years in a row at your own game? Maybe it's just the fact I can smell the jealousy radiating off of you or the fact you just can't beat me, but I'm going to class, Mr. Ladenfield." I spit his last name like it was embedded with venom. Before I could walk off, he spoke.

"This year is different Jaidyn... I have help from someone you'd never think could help." This made me stop in my tracks. He sounded confident, very confident. All these years I've known him you could always tell when he was unsure of things. Today he carried a powerful air around him, it made you want to fall to your knees and bow down. I wasn't going to do it but the other dudes around him bowed their heads like he was The Lord of Evil Unicorns. Something was off and I was going to find out, whatever it was.

He simply walked away, satisfied with my reaction. I was going to cook this guy's meatballs over the fire if it was the last thing I do.

School ended nicely, class was kinda fun and I talked to a few people of whom I shall classify as acquaintances and about 2 or 3 good friends. I was hanging out with one of them right now as we were walking to a nearby forest right behind my house for some experimenting. His name was Stephen, a complete nerd who was in LOVE with foxes and cats and wore glasses. And, by the way, when I said "experimenting" I was not talking about the dirty, nasty type. You nasty, poop head!

We walked around and saw a nice open field, time to get started. "Ready, bro?"

"Ready as I'll ever be Jaidyn. The real question is, are you ready?"

"I've been practicing everyday! I have to have gotten at least a little better than before!" I took off my jacket and placed it on the short, soft, bright green grass. He did the same. We were now both standing in plain t-shirts in front of each other at least 10 ft apart.

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