Chapter 4: Stop Yasha!

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Author's Note: Just to avoid any confusion it's the Blood Hunters pack not the Cold Hunters :o I changed it!

Now read on!

When I woke up I was still on my bed but I was surrounded by a few different people whom I didn't recognize. No where in sight was my mum and that quickly threw a red flag for me, I felt a little weak but I was strong enough to release a growl and get everyone's attention. I didn't really know where I was going with that but it did something, on the plus side my growl did sound strange and more wolf meaning Yasha was awake and agreeing with me, well that's new.

I scanned my surroundings and saw that there were about 5 people, all of whom in my vision, looked very blurry so I couldn't identify anybody. I could tell that they were keeping their distance away from me. I sat up and noticed I was standing with my knees and hands, in other words, 'on all fours'.

I grew angry as I tried to sit up properly but my attempts were useless, I didn't have complete control of my body. Yasha was trying hard to come out and it was working, whatever he was doing.

Suddenly a growl filled the air and it sounded deep, loud, and commanding. I stupidly growled back and only managed to make whoever growled angrier, I saw that all the people that were once human, at least I think, were now blurry looking animals and in the middle was a big dark brown blob.

Gah! This was so annoying!

Get back Yasha! Stop trying to control me! -I yelled in my head and heard a more female voice answer back instead of what I thought would be a male voice.

Ha! Like hell am I going to go back! I'm finally going to be able to escape after all this god damn time, I'm sick and tired of been locked up and taking a puny humans orders! YOUR BODY IS MINE! -And with that, Yasha took over completely and I could see and hear so much easier, however, my breathing grew rapid and when I looked back up I could finally see what the blobs were.

The dark brown blob was actuallly an enormous dark brown wolf with a black tipped tail and golden eyes, he was hovering over a lovely orangle colored fox with blue eyes. The wolf had a very powerful aura around him and felt very dominating, I guessed he was the one who growled at me. Beside the fox was a brown wolf but it had light brown streaks going down it's back. Beside the enormous wolf was a large black wolf with menacing, dark blue eyes staring straight at me and behind him was another wolf colored gray.

Yasha remained in human form, this had me wondering. If I had been in control the first thing I would have done is shift and run off... then again, can we?

So, you must be the Alpha that seems to be in charge of the Blood Hunters pack... -'she', at least that's what I'm gonna classify my wolf for now since I still didn't believe it to be female, spoke with a strong, diligent voice and it mixed in with my voice so to everyone it sounded like 2 people talking at once. I also didn't understand what she was talking about until I took an even closer look at the enormous dark brown wolf, it was Rick's wolf. I could tell because the color of his fur really matched Rick's hair.

Yes I am, but what does that matter to you? Unless you're actually planning on joining the pack -he questioned Yasha as he stared down at us.

I shall not waste my time with such trivial matters right now... tell me... do you know who I am? -Then she looked back down at Rick's wolf and this earned her a scowl from the Alpha.

...I believe you go by the name of Yasha. -He sounded rather annoyed, but remained calm.

Indeed I am... I have taken control of the boy's body for fun so if you would just let me leave...

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