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Warnings: None

Silence settled over the ill-lit room as the tall figure entered. Silently he began stalking towards the table and sat down. The air turned sour at his very presence.

He towered above the others at the table as his eyes flickered in the dark light. A strange orange glow surrounded him and his featureless face. He reached one shadowy hand forward and tapped on the table, the sound echoing around the room. A grin spread across his blank face.

"Do you hear that boys?" he hissed, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "I am no longer just a figment." He ran his hands across the smooth table surface marveling at the connection between them.

He leaned forward and whispered menacingly, "I grow more and more real each day. Soon I will be able to appear before the others." The shadow turned his piercing eyes towards the green and yellow figures at the table.

"We must wait patiently until that day, my friends." The yellow one stood and added,
"We need something before then." The yellow figure clasped his gloved hands together and clenched his teeth. "We need to take back what was once ours. Until we do, we will never be powerful enough to overthrow the others. He is the key to everything."

"Very well," the orange shadow agreed. "Then I task you with getting him to join us. Do not fail me as he is even more important than you say he is."
"Of course." replied the yellow figure as he sat down, narrowing his eyes, he began to plot his next move.

"And as for you," the shadow hissed, pointing towards the gleaming green figure, "You shall do everything in your power to break up the others happy little 'friendships'. It will make my job a lot less strenuous."

"Consider it done." the green figure replied, leaning back in his chair and smiling.
"It is almost time," the shadow whispered. "The tasks I have assigned you will allow me with enough time to fully emerge like you two both did, years ago.

Once I have, nobody will be able to deny me any longer. I will finally take my place alongside you, and we will be unstoppable." The words dripped from the orange shadow's mouth like poison. The green figure nodded and headed out of the room. The yellow one stood to follow him, but turned around and spoke.

"Don't worry, I will bring him to us. I will find a way" the yellow figure hissed softly. "Trust me," His snake-like face twisted into a smirk. "By the time you live and breathe like us, we will have Virgil."

446 words

Primrose Path - A Sander Sides FanficWhere stories live. Discover now