Chapter 2

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She regretted pushing him the moment she did it, but she couldn't think of any other way to get away that wouldn't involve shoving him in some way. She raised the crystal to the dewy morning light and leaped away.

When she opened her eyes the first thing she saw was Fintan waiting patiently before her, she gave the area a quick once over. Taking in all the details. The area was misty and brisk, she could almost taste the salt in the air, and from the sprawling treeless green hills littered with stones of various sizes, she guessed she was somewhere in England. Sophie whirled on her heel at the sound of a twig snapping behind her, at the sight at two black-cloaked figures her hand immediately went to her sheath but hesitated when they bowed deeply.
"My King... Princess, we have come to collect you." The smaller of the two spoke.
"Collect us?" She asked an eyebrow raised towards Fintan who was smirking at the figures on one knee before them.
"Rise, and give us a moment." Fintan's voice was strong and determined...Regal, now that she really studied him and knew of her parentage she was drawing similarities between them, they're hair was nearly the same color though hers mirrored her mothers with its darker golden sheen, her features were slender though not as delicate as Fintan's. Fintan's voice jolted her from her thoughts,
"You have to understand my position and yours now that you have accepted your claim to the throne me our family has rightfully owned for centuries I might add. The Neverseen and soon the world will look for direction and it is up to us to give it to them." Fintan informed her as they walked, eyes alight with intrigue. Sophie rolled her eyes and eyed the backs of the other two Neverseen members both very reluctant to meet her gaze as well as her fathers.
"Are they really that afraid of me?" she asked her head cocked to the side, Fintan chuckled a bit clearly amused.
"My dear, fear is a path to respect and you command it very well. News traveled fast about the way you handled the man who killed your friend...Eden? Was it?" Sophie's eyes widened then narrowed dangerously as her eyes locked with her fathers.
"I don't want to talk about them." she snapped and sped up nearly trampling her guides, one of which yelped in surprise at her sudden approach. They didn't walk too much further and had reached a gravelly shored beach before she was signaled to stop. She had been right, she was most certainly in England, Dover to be exact, made clear by the expansive white cliffs now clear without the morning fog.
"The White Cliffs of Dover? This place draws in thousands of tourists a day, no way the Neverseen can operate from here without attention being drawn!" Sophie exclaimed arms crossed in skepticism.
"The humans always thought that the Dover Castle was that great stone structure up there." Fintan pointed at the towering cliffs above them. "But the real Castle?" he smiled and gestured to a sigil engraved in the rock then took a dagger from his pocket and flipped it, catching it by the blade and drawing a thin stream of blood work which he slapped on the sigil. It took a second but the white rock engaging glowed a blood-red before the surface looked almost fluid as their guides walked straight through.
"Well can't the humans see....that?" she asked genuinely curious.
"My dear the humans don't see anything we don't want them to, Flashers, Shades, and Hydrokinetics are able to keep this doorway well hidden from anyone and everyone." he made a waving gesture and she reluctantly walked straight into the stone.

A/N - Sorry for the late update everyone 😕 I've been busy moving and haven't had much time to write and plus my days have been filled watching Supernatural! Season 14 already!! I know I'm addicted, sue me. 😉 But I promise to try to update more 🥰

And I have to say I'm diggin the new night mode as well 🦉🌚

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