Chapter 3

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The Neverseen Base was not so different from what she was in charge of back when she had been fighting them. It felt like so long ago and she'd changed so much since then, was it possible to get back to that time? It felt so impossible, so unattainable. Looking at the base did nothing to sate those feelings and she had to admit she missed the bustle and clamp out of a base alight with the fire of a purpose, even if that purpose was the stark opposite of what she had been fighting for before. She shook the feeling of distaste away, this was going to help her family and friends be safe and abolish the system she had abhorred since she had reached the Lost Cities even with the changes to the council, the way it was run was largely the same. She had to believe that the cause the Neverseen now fought for was different and furthermore it was now her cause and she would defend it with the same ferocity she had defended the ideals of The Black Swan when she fought with them.

The wall behind her which she knew was the back of the white cliffs of Dover seemed to be reinforced with something glassy looking with a frosted quality,
"Diamond," Fintan informed and Sophie's eyes widened as she observed the massive sheet of the valuable stone, it must have been three feet thick and spanning the full length of the wall. No... upon further observation, she observed the whole of the cavernous chamber was encased it the stuff, they were standing it what must be the largest diamond deposit in the world.
"You're standing behind six feet of limestone and three and a half feet of diamond. Making this facility the best-defended base and secret the Neverseen posses." Fintan said proudly, Sophie stepped back from the wall and observed the base, elves bustled around all wearing black and all of them had that familiar spark of hope she had seen in so many of her people when they were fighting. She corrected her thoughts, she had to remember the people before her at this moment were now the people she affiliated with. Sophie stepped further into the room and out of the shadow of the wall closely followed by Fintan. When the elves around d her finally noticed them they stopped whatever they were doing and immediately got down to one knee and crossed their forearms over their chests, heads bowed in her direction.
"Welcome home Your Majesties." The chorussed as one, she nodded and Fintan gave the signal for them to stand again, once they were on their feet they quickly cleared a path a Fintan lead her down various cavernous hallways and into one giant room with a bright blue glow from the diamond filling the room in the middle of the room was a dais and upon that was two thrones of equal sizes one decked out in silver the other in gold.

Sophie raised an eyebrow to Fintan who just nodded and began walking again to the thrones, bitterly she followed and as one they sat Sophie on the silver and Fintan on the gold thrones. She surveyed the crowd and it seemed like more and more people kept filing in until the whole of the Neverseen bowed before her. The Moonlark and once their sworn enemy. They bowed without complaint to a bloodline that to them was the essence of nobility, despite her willingness to understand to fight she was now apart of she knew the only reason these harpies bowed before her was because of the blood flowing through her veins. Fintan's blood. Isn't it always born in blood she thought to herself?
And so it shall return She smiled a crooked grin and swept her gaze toward Fintan whose eyes lingered on the people before them.
It will all end in blood.

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