Chapter 7

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"What are you doing?!" Sophie shouted telepathically at her father, rage and panic coming off of her in waves. Though she made sure to keep her face under a careful facade of calm and professionalism.
"We have been down this road before Sophie. Either you kill her quickly and painlessly or I'll do it slowly and you can listen to her scream as the fire slowly kills her." Fintan responded, his words measured and careful. Unnerved she shot a glance at Keefe but quickly tore it away unable to look him in the eye. Shakily she approached the girl, luckily her back was turned to most people so she gave her a solemn if not teary smile and placed her hand on one side of the girl's face.
"You are going to die, and I'm sorry but you won't feel a thing. I promise you darling."  a little spark of inflicting energy took any pain the girl would feel and replaced it with calm and love and hope.
"What's your name?"  Sophie asked, barely staving off her fear.
"Vera." her voice was breathy but calm and at the same time steady.
"I'm sorry Vera." Sophie readied her telekinesis but before she even raised a hand the girl's neck twisted as it snapped violently, Sophie gasped and jumped to her feet and looked around everyone was quite until Fintan clapped her on the back.
"A good show darling." he smiled and retook his seat dragging Sophie down in hers as well. Everyone looked like they were going to be sick but quickly composed themselves. The councilors were the first to recover and immediately tired their fury on Fintan and herself but she wasn't looking at them at all. Those not talking all looked sick to their stomachs at seeing what had happened. If she hadn't been the one to do it then it was definitely not one of the Neverseen members, they hated and feared almost as much or maybe more that the people of the list cities, they wouldn't dare cross her. So that left Black Swan members Biana and Dex would dare do anything like that and to be frank, they were not strong enough to snap a young girl's neck with their telekinesis. Fitz and the other Councillors would never, so that left... She slowly looked to Keefe, his expression was solemn, and when he turned to match her gaze she saw something there, a feeling... A look that said Forgive Me. Her stomach churned in horror, Keefe? Sweet, playful Keefe? She had seen him kill before with his Mother and that had nearly broken him but this time it was not so intense. She felt something she had never felt from any elf able to kill. From him, she detected no regret nor shame. He believed in his heart it was the right thing to do. For her. And so when the windows and force fields in the room shattered he took one look at all the Black Swan members and ran to her side, abandoning them for the Neverseen.

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