First Encounter

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My heart started to beat harder....


My heart started to be-bea-beat so like a trigger, getting ready to...



As i opened my eyes, i felt a pair of strong arms gripping my torso.  I fully opened my eyes, and i saw....him. In full flesh. The Hero i admire, the greatest hero ever existed. ALL MIGHT!


All Might looked down to me in his grip and flashed me a smile, no. He gave me THE SMILE.

"Don't worry young man, I am here now, and you will be fine." said All Might. Now that I have touched him in person, he does emit a cheerful aura, and it makes one feel, um, shining. In away. It is hard to describe, but his aura is one I would expect from the current successor of One for All. Wait, is he still the successor? Had he passed it to Izuku yet?

We landed outside a convenience store. All Might put me down, and jumped away as I thanked him. I looked around, in the place where All Might had just put me on the ground. People were looking at me. I turned my head, and I was shocked. It is a convenience store. But just not any convenience store. It is THE store that All Might first met Sludge. I could not believe my luck. I will get to witness the story. But I wonder what day it is. Whether All Might had already met Izuku yet. I should wait just wait outside the convenience store to see if All Might would come here, but I need to set up a lair. I need to set up my identity in this world and I can't do it in front of a convenience store. I do not want to respawn in public.

I quickly asked SDNS for a navigation to Kamino, Yokohama. I will set my lair near The Bar of the league. This will let me to bug their hideout to know their plans, once my plans scramble up the storyline. After a long walk, I stopped, looking at the "abandoned" building. Seems like it. The place that changed the world. Ironically, an abandoned building will be the center of the events of this world, just a bit longer.

I touched my fingers along the wall, as I felt the hard cement of the building. I jumped, embracing the wall with my other hand. I gripped the wall with the sole of my sneakers. After a couple of jumps, I reached the top.

I set up my dimensional barrier, and I started to make my standard lair. First, controlling the fabric of space I took away the entire roof x 6 meters. There is now a space between matter, where people cannot enter unless a dimension gate, made by me.

After this is done, I started to program my identity: " In this world, I am Sento Ryuga ( 戦兎 龍我). My public quirk is Neutralization. I am unaffected by people's quirks. I can generate a wave by combining all my energy to externalize into a form of wave. The wave can neutralize people's quirks for an amount of time based on how much energy I put in the wave. As Darkbright, I have the power to control Light and Darkness. To BE light and Darkness. I am a new student at Aldera Middle School. I will join Bakugou and Izuku in class tomorrow. "

As I finished my identity, I felt a bit tired. I have not traveled through dimensions in a very long time. I hope I have not passed when All Might saved Izuku. Before I left, I checked my inventory for any item that I might need or any items from my past. They were all there. I took out a watch, a couple of spells, and a belt. These will come in handy if I got the right timing. As I stepped out of my lair, I looked back to check what it looked like. As expected, the space is invisible to the naked eye and looked like a normal rooftop. I touched my walls and felt the invisible barrier created when new dimensions are created.

I jumped off the building and walked down the street. It is still noon, so there if the date is correct, which I think it is because All Might saved my ass, I can either witness Izuku getting saved by All Might, or wait. I mean, Izuku and Bakugou getting saved by all might.

As I walked down the street, I saw a face that caught my attention. I knew the woman. She was debuted today. The rookie hero, Mt. Lady. I hate her. She is the exact definition of a fake hero. She pretends to a hero. All she wants is to gain fame and profit. I feel disgusted as she walked past me.

I changed my direction and followed her to her flat. I marked down her location on SDNS.
I did not plan to do anything hard today. Today was supposed to be an easy day where I go see All Might save Izuku and Bakugou in person. I licked my lips. I guess today will be a lot more fun then i expected.

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