* Part 03 *

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*Rye's POV*

Angry; having a strong feeling of or showing annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.

I, Ryan Beaumont, am very angry.

We pulled up to the venue and the only thing I could do, the only thing I could feel, was anger. Not at Jordan nor Andy, not any of the other boys or anyone else. Just myself.

Two years, two years I could've fought for him and didn't. Two years, I sat aside and watched Andy be with Jordan knowing he wasn't the happiest he could be, and I didn't do anything. Maybe, just maybe, Andy wanted me to fight for him like he fought for me, but now, now it's just too late. It's the morning of his wedding and I'm in no way going to tell Andy today that I want him. I refuse to ruin his wedding. I've already ruined enough of his life and I'm not gonna do anymore damage. If he wanted to be with me he wouldn't have said yes to dating Jordan, yes to the proposal, and be here today, getting ready for his wedding that will take place in only a few hours.

Andy and I got out of the car and walked inside to go take a look around the venue. After making sure things were being set up in the right place Andy and I went into the room to get him ready.

Once in the room I helped Andy into his beautiful white suit and let me just say, W O A H. Anybody would be lucky to have someone that looks even half of how hot Andy looks right now. I smiled at him watching him smile in the mirror adjusting his suit.

Rye:Wow Fovvs. Just wow. If Jordan doesn't burst into tears when he sees you then wow.

I said choking back my own tears but for another reason. Jordan should be crying because he's about to marry the most beautiful, loving, sweet, and caring boy ever. I, on the other hand, am crying, because I let that same boy slip right through my fingers. I had more than one chance to claim him and make him mine and just mine. Everything in me wanted to grab Andy and just pull him into one sweet, last kiss, but I know, I can't do that. It's not the right thing to do and I have no right to be able to do so.

I let out a shaky breath when I saw Andy turn around a smile on my face and a blush upon his cheeks.

Andy:Do you think I really look good? Do you think Jordan will like it? What if he doesn't?!

Andy continued to ramble on and on it was obvious he was super nervous and scared and was freaking out on the verge of a panic attack. I walked over and pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.

Rye;Shh shh. Hey it's okay just calm down. He's gonna love it Andy. I promise.

Andy:a-and if he d-doesn't?

Rye:Then I'll jump up there and marry you myself.

I said joking but not really joking. Andy giggled and I bit my lip knowing he didn't want that and took it completely as a joke but the next thing he said just broke my heart.

Andy:Eww. Nasty. Please don't say that again.

Feelings To Fight For ((Sequel to Unknown Feelings))Where stories live. Discover now