* Part 02 *

110 10 7

*Andy's POV*

Lie; an intentionally false statement.

I, Andrew Fowler, am lying.

I, Andrew Fowler, was living a lie. It's not that I intended for it to happen. It just happened. Slowly, my feelings faded for Jordan. Yes, all the wonderful things I said to Ryan just the night before were lies. Yes, I Answer Fowler, am mendacious.

Of course I was still in love with Rye. How can you not be? He's just him, and he is perfect. Of course I wanted him to admit that he still loves me, unless, he's not lying and he really doesn't love me anymore. The millions of dreams I dreamed that he would one day tell me and him and I would end up together. Not Jordan and I. I mean, don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with him, he's really sweet and everything anybody could ever ask for in a boyfriend, but he's not Rye, and I want Rye.

I shouldn't have lied to him long ago in the studio. I should've just told him I loved him and not Jordan. But, I wanted to see him put in an effort and fight for me like I had done him. He did good for about a week. Fought for my attention and for time with me.

None of it lasted very long though. After that week was over with it was like that fire that kept pushing him to fight for me disappeared. He stopped trying.

I don't know what's worse, having to have fought so long and so hard for Rye for years or watching him give up fighting for me after a week.

I guess maybe he realized maybe I'm not the one for him. Maybe he even found someone better than me. Maybe he thinks I'm happy and wants it to stay that way. Maybe he just fell out of love.

I mean, for all he knows I'm happily engaged to Jordan and we're getting married today. The truth behind it is, I don't love Jordan. Not anywhere near or anything like how I love Rye. I just wish he would actually fight for me.

I guess this is what happens to people that think they're doing something smart that they know will hurt at least one person and very much luck will come back and bite them in the butt.

If I could go back in time I wouldn't hesitate to drop Jordan and just choose Rye. He's always been my one. He's always been the one I've wanted. I just wish it was him I was marrying and not some ex of mine I pretended to love and am not getting stuck in a relationship with.

The moment we pulled up to the venue everything set in and became real. Here we are, the place where my life will change for the rest of forever. I'll marry the supposed 'love of my life' that I'll now have to learn to love. I'll have to lose my feelings for Rye, I mean, who am I kidding? I won't ever lose feelings for him ever, but I will have to push all of that down, keep all of it in the back of my mind.

I don't know how many times I'm going to end up saying this to myself, but, I love him and I won't ever get over him, I'm just stuck with a guy that's the second best, and that's just gonna have to do.


Hope you liked it and you're doing good :))

//see you on the flip side\\

~ brea <33

Feelings To Fight For ((Sequel to Unknown Feelings))Where stories live. Discover now