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You were on Sweet Pea's bike holding onto him for dear life to scared to let go. You were hoping your dad wasn't home,scared that he'll cause a scene in front of your classmate.

"Is this the place?" he asked while he stopped in front of your house. You nodded in response and almost sighed in relief seeing that your dad's car isn't parked. You opened the door and let him in and walked to your room.

"You can place your stuff anywhere and make yourself comfortable...do you want a drink or..?" "Can I have a water?" you nodded and went to the kitchen to grab drinks and snacks. While you were gone he looked around your room. Your walls are painted grey and you had fairy lights around your ceiling and some posters but there were random stuff on the floor,but it was mostly hoodies on the floor and they looked like they would fit him.He also saw your guitar and piano keyboard. The more he looked around your room the more he noticed cracks that you tried to hide with posters or pillows or anything you could find and that got him curious.

"What are you looking at?" Hearing your voice startled him causing him to jump. "Huh?" "..you were spacing out.." "Oh..right.." You nodded and put the stuff down and sat next to him. "Your not much of a talker are you?" You nodded "That obvious?" "Yeah,and you were looking around nervously when that ginger haired girl asked about you what you thought about us" You looked down a little bit playing with your fingers again and he noticed that. "Why do you play with your fingers?" "Huh? O-oh..nervous habit..I peel my lips when I get nervous and I'm trying to stop that so I started playing with my fingers to calm myself or distract myself.."

For some reason he found this interesting. Your trying to stop yourself from peeling your lips by playing with your fingers.

"Do you get good grades?" He asked with curiosity. "To be honest I'm really bad at most of my classes..but I'm good at some of them" You both froze now wondering why Weatherbee assigned you to him to help him with his school work if your bad at some of your classes.

Dumb luck maybe?


For 2 hours you both chatted and messed around instead of talking about the assignment like you both planned. You both got to know each other better and even though you just met him you felt like you knew him for years and opened up to him about your depression and anxiety and told you if you if you needed anything he'll be there for you.which made you happy.

"It's getting late,I should go" He got up from the bed and packed up his stuff. You wish he could stay but if he stayed any longer he'll notice the cracks on the walls,even though he already noticed them,but most importantly,he'll meet your dad. "Alright..see you tomorrow" Before he left he ruffled your hair and smiled. "See you tomorrow hoodie" He smirked before getting on his bike and left. You went back to your room and sat on your bed as you smiled to yourself feeling happy that you now have a friend. A actual human being that isn't your reflection or the wall. That's right you talk to the wall cause your that lonely.

But that happiness and smile disappeared when your dad came home. Drunk. Like usual.

Sad Life  (Sweet Pea x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now