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It's been 2 days and you haven't been to school. No one noticed your absence like usual but this time,someone besides the choir teacher actually noticed your absence. Sweet Pea. Your new friend was worried about you. He doesn't have your number so he can't text or call you to ask if your ok or if your sick or something to keep him at ease.


It's now been three days. Sweet pea wasn't expecting you to come to school today either,but while he was driving to school on his motorcycle,he saw you walking. He stopped and ran towards you. "Y/N!!" You stopped and turned around meeting Sweet Pea's chest. He hugged you tightly not wanting to let you go but when he heard you wince,he let you go and studied you. "Where did you get those bruises?" You were shocked he noticed the bruises on your face. You used to have bangs but you grew  them out to cover your face when your dad started to abuse you. "I-I um.." He raised a brow,crossing his arms. "I bumped into a pole on my way to school 2 days ago and I couldn't see on my right eye cause it was swollen so I stayed home in till the swelling died down.." He stared at you but because of your bangs covering your eyes,he couldn't tell if you were telling the truth or lying. "Alright..but get on,I'll drive you the rest of the way so you don't bump into anymore poles"


"I'm telling you Toni,there's something going on..One day she's fine,and the next 2 days she doesn't come to school and when she did,she had bruises on her face and I can tell there was something wrong with her back!" He was sitting on a bar stool at the Whyte Wyrm telling Toni about your injuries. "Are you sure she didn't bump into a  pole like she said?" he sighed. But he couldn't let it go.

"If that is the truth,then how did she get her back hurt? She doesn't know that I know about her back!" "How do you even know her back is injured?" "I felt bandages on her back,like a lot of bandages" Toni could tell how much he cared for you. He doesn't act like this unless he really cares about someone close to him. "Well,we don't know what her home life is like so we can't tell Jones to have her under our protection" An idea popped into his head. "Toni Topez you just gave me a idea!"


The next day after school,Sweet Pea,Toni,and Fangs were at your house. Were they spying on you? Yes,yes they were.

Sweet Pea just wants to protect you from whoever it is giving you those injuries. He thinks of you as something special that everyone needs in their life that must be protected. That night when he was at your house,he didn't see a shy,awkward girl,he saw someone with a big caring heart,a pure kind soul,very cheerful if you were being yourself,but most of all,he saw someone who just wants to find happiness with yourself. Which is why he wants to protect you from whatever it is that is stopping you from being yourself and keeping yourself from getting to close to anyone.

Yeah,he may have met you 4 days ago,but he already considers you as a close friend,and just how the serpents don't leave each other behind,he won't leave you behind either.

"Someone's coming!" Toni whisper yells. The three snakes turn their heads and see a man come out of his wrecked up car. As he got closer to your front door and their hideout,the smell of alcohol got even stronger the closer he got. When the man started to unlock (well more like try,since he's drunk) the front door,they all quietly moved the the nearest window they could find so they can see what's going on.

Toni looked through a bedroom window,and by the looks of it,she was probably looking through your bedroom window. Fangs looked through the window next to the front door. and Sweet Pea looked through a window that's in your backyard and he saw you. Saw you being abused and thrown like some kind of object.

This got his blood boiling. Sadly he couldn't do anything to help you but he recorded what was happening. Who knows? he might need it if he's going to need proof for Jones and maybe even the police.

Sorry if this is confusing. I'm a bad writer (kinda,I think..idk) but um..no Sweet Pea doesn't have a crush on you (yet) so he's just that one protective guy friend. But for the serpents,Jughead isn't the fuller yet. FP is still the king of the serpents but the teen (or younger) serpents just go to Jughead when they're gonna do something cause..why not....ok bye

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