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When Veronica came home from your house the next day,she was greeted by Hiram Lodge in the living room.

"Mihah,have a seat" She sat next to him. "What is it daddy?" She saw how serious his face looked, 'this can't be good' she thought. "I heard your no longer friends with Betty Cooper and you made a new friend with that..Price girl" 

"Oh,you mean y/n? Yeah I'm friends with her..why? Is there something wrong?" She asked worried. "Yes. I want you to stop being friends with her" She was shocked. Her dad never really cared about her friends in till now,he's almost acting like that time when Alice Cooper wanted Betty to stop being friends with her. Oh right. Betty. Guess she has to say goodbye to that wonderful friendship. 

"Why the hell do you want to me to stop being friends with her?! She's done nothing but be nice to me and she's the only one who isn't keeping secrets from me and she's actually being herself around me! And you just want me to give it all up?!" He just looked at her with no emotion in his eyes. "Well sorry daddy,but that's not gonna happen-"

"I'm not telling you,I'm ordering you to stop being friends with her. She isn't girly,she hangs out with those snakes. I've seen her house too,it doesn't look nice t all. And haven't you heard about her parents? Do you really think Harvard would accept you if your friends with someone with a bad reputation?"

She just looked at him with disgust. He only cares about their family image. She may only know a little bit about you but she knows that your someone that everyone needs in their life and she's glad that she has someone as kind as you in her life.

"Sorry daddy,but I don't care what you think about her,she's a good friend and I'm glad she actually sees me as a person and not just a spoiled rich girl doing mommy and daddy's dirty work! Now if you excuse me,I have somewhere better to be."

~~~~~~~~~ next day at school ~~~~~~~~~

During third period Sweet Pea and Josie were putting back their clothes back on after having a heated moment. He knows that this is a booty call but he doesn't mind. If he keeps telling himself that.

"Thanks for your service Sweet Pea,I had fun" She said smiling. He smirked, "No problem princess. It was my pleasure."

 After they were fully clothed they went back to class and acted like nothing happened.

During lunch Sweet Pea saw you talking to Veronica. He doesn't like seeing you with her because he doesn't trust her, then gain, no one really trusts her right now so that's that.

"Wait, so he's telling me that your dad doesn't want you to be friends with me because I'm not like the other girls here?" You asked with sarcasm in your voice.

"Yup..pretty much. But I told him that wasn't going to happen. I like being your friend! Your really nice and your the only one who isn't hiding anything from me and just being yourself around me" You weren't expecting a answer like that from her. You liked being her friend too. Sure she may be kinda apart of the mafia but she's still just a teenager.

~~~~~~~Meanwhile in the future~~~~~~~

"Miss Veronica, we have him"

Veronica gives a small smirk, "Welcome back..you know you can't escape the mafia. Not in my mafia that is" She giggles

I'm sorry this took forever. thank you for being patient. Hope you enjoy that cliff hanger (if that even was a cliffhanger)

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