The Things I Do..

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I picked up my cellphone and walked out the studio to get Starbucks..

Demi had to stay in a bit more, shooting for an emotional scene so I took that as my moment to leave..

I sighed getting in the car and started driving.. I still couldn't believe that today was Friday and was the last day before Christmas break..

I drove for a while until I saw the green sign making me smile.. today was still kinda cold..

I looked to my back seats and saw no jacket.. "shit" I mumble to myself

I walked out the car and ran inside the store before even feeling the cold.. stopping on the front door, I realized I didn't locked the doors from my car

I rolled my eyes and went back passing by various paparazzis and smiled at some cameras

After buying Starbucks, I walked towards the car again and drove back to the studio.. I thought it would be a good idea to get her Starbucks.. Don't ask why..

I walked back inside the studio and saw her with a blanket around her, and her hair wet..

On set, the guy who played Demi's best friend was acting and everyone was in silence.. it was cool to see a small plane set with a green background

I walked towards Demi and placed my hand on her shoulder making her look up and smile. I handed her latte carefully and kissed her head as she mouthed "thank you" to me

We stayed in silence watching the man do his job..

When the director yelled cut, everyone started clapping

- Christmas!! - the sound guy yelled

I laughed and Demi stood up jumping - I can't wait

Everyone started talking and I rubbed Demi's arm covering her more with the blanket.. her wet hair rubbing in my jaw

- We gotta go to my parents tonight.. they said it was movies night

I looked down still with my arms wrapped around Demi's waist and smiled - and we'll go as soon as you're dry and warm 'cause it's freezing outside

She giggled and I bit her cheek softly and then kissed her nose - I already feel sick

I frowned and she shrugged

- I hope it's nothing.. I don't want a sick girlfriend on Christmas

- Then you should start looking for a new girlfriend 'cause this one is sick

I pouted - I don't want a new girlfriend.. Why would I let perfection go?

She laughed and hugged me tight.. her hair still wet

- I love you..

- I love you too Sunshine.. now go get dressed

She nodded and walked towards her room pulling me by the hand..

I was playing with my phone while hearing Demi singing in the shower, when I got a text from Joe

"Already got the ring.. Where do we meet?"

I thought for a second and then replied

"Tomorrow at mom's?"

"Fine by me"

"Thanks bro.. you're awesome"

I smiled at myself with a little bit of regret in the pit of my stomach.. What if it's just not the right time yet?

What The Heart Wants (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now