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We had our movie night and I ended up not being able to ask her anything..

When the movie was finally over, I looked around and saw Eddie picking up Maddie

He lifted her and stopped smiling - Goodnight son.. I'll take her to her bed

I nodded and then looked down to my kitten.. she was sleeping in her onesie with the little cat ears and it absolutely melted my heart seeing her like this.. peaceful..

I took a deep breath and pulled her to my lap. Once comfortable, I picked up the remote, turned the TV off and then picked her up

The remote fell on the couch making a minimum noise and I carried my sleeping beauty towards the bed.. little did I know that the next day would be the worst day of my entire life..

We went back to our home after having breakfast and decided to just chill

She sat on the couch while I got my computer and sat on the dinner table.

I went on my twitter account and typed "livestream in 10! Get ready"

Just like magic, the doorbell sounded and John came inside

We greeted him and he sat on the couch talking with Demi

We chatted and chatted until the 10 minutes ended, which meant I should go live..

I clicked the button and started to find if I was live or not..

Demi couldn't stop laughing 'cause I was making a stupid figure asking "If you can see me, tweet telling me you can" over and over again

When someone finally confirmed it, I started the official livestream..

"Hey guys.. You might be wondering why am I doing this.. well.. I've been making an album and I have a recorded song.."

- You probably have more than one dumbass - Demi laughed which made me laugh too

I looked down at the comments and started reading "Demi!!", "Relationship Goals" and "Look at his smile when he looks at her"

I blushed and look up at her - I'm working Demi! Shut up!

She laughed and scratched her arm while I made eye contact with myself on the screen

"I'm releasing a song.. and for that.. I'm doing a Q&A"

The tweets went crazy and I started to feel so much love through my fans..

We started the Q&A and I answered as many questions I could

I looked at the screen and smiled reading "Can you bring Demi to answer some questions too?"

I read it out loud and called Dee which made her stand up and go next to me and waved at the camera

- Hey yall

I chuckled and scooted back so she could seat on my lap and the tweets started again

She smiled and I wrapped my arms around her waist

- "Describe Nick in 5 words".. I can do that!! He's lazy.. overprotective, dumb, sarcastic and..

I looked over at her frowning and she smiled

- Perfect.. - she ended winking at the screen in a funny way

- I'm perfect too!! - John yelled picking up his beer

Demi laughed and yelled back at him

- "Describe Demi in one word Nick"... I would say.. - I looked up at her and smiled seeing her brown eyes radiate love - Beautiful.. just beautiful..

- Ok, I'm getting sick of your cuteness - John laughed and soon Demi joined him

I could see the memes starting to flow everywhere in my mind..

I looked back to the tweets and one caught my eye. I pointed at it in the screen and squeezed Demi's hip as she looked at it

-"Will you marry Nick if he asked?"..

She turned towards me and I looked deep in her eyes.. her eyes started shining and I somehow fell more in love with her

- What do you think I would say?

I shrugged and she turned back to the screen with a smile

- If he asked me, I would say whatever my heart wanted.. because the heart wants what it wants and you can't fight it.. If he's ready I'm ready and he knows that.. if he knows me as well as I know him, he'll know just when to ask..

- Is that a yes? - I whispered

She nodded - Yes.. - she smiled back at me

I smiled at her and then turned back to the screen seeing "How cute" and "I can't believe she said that"

I scrolled down a little bit more and laughed when I read "THAT'S LOVE BITCH!" in caps lock

The doorbell rang again and Demi went to it opening it to see Marissa and Maddie with Bea

They got inside and I waved hello..

Maddie ran to me and sat on my lap smiling - INVASION!!

Bea came with her and made a strange face to the camera and the tweets went off again

- Why are you on a livestream?

- I'm sending out my single Jealous!

- Oh my god!! I wanna hear it!! - Bea screamed

I shrugged and went to my files - Then here's a sneak peek!!

I clicked on the file and it started playing.. I was kinda nervous to see their reaction.. would they like it??

Seconds later the girls started all dancing and that made me laugh.. They were really funny.. specially when Maddie jumped on Demi's back to a piggyback ride.

I went back to my livestream and then released the song, only getting great critics from my fans..

I was called to go meet with Phil so I left home and went there.. after talking with him for about 2 hours and starting to walk through the hall, I started to feel strange.. I felt different.. but for the worst..

I felt like I was going to pass out and that automatically led me to think about my blood pressure..

I started sweating and that's when all went wrong..

I passed out..


{ ..this is a modern fairytale.. }

What The Heart Wants (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now