Acting Crazy

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I made dinner and started to get worried.. he should've been back for hours now..

I cleaned my hand with a towel and walked upstairs to pick up my phone. I dialed his number and a phone started ringing.. his phone..

"It should be nothing.." I said to myself shrugging

I walked back downstairs and there was a loud banging on my door


I ran towards it and opened the door seeing Joe breathless with a red face and tears rolling down his cheeks

- Joe? Are you okay? what happened? Were you crying?

He sobbed a little cleaning his eyes with his sleeve - Nick's in the hospital Demi..

My eyes widened - What?! why? - I said feeling like he shot me right in the heart

- He passed out.. the doctor said he is in danger of dying of hypoglycemia

I sucked in my breath as soon as Joe said "dying".. I couldn't live without him.. no.. anyone but him.. It couldn't be true!!

- You have to come Demi!

I turned around and reached for a random coat.. I wasn't thinking.. I picked up my keys and ran upstairs feeling the tears already coming..

I picked up our phones and looked to our bed..

Please let him come home.. please..

I ran upstairs as the tears flew freely on my face.. I couldn't bare the thought of living without him..

I came downstairs and put on the quickest boots I had and ran out the door turning the lights off

- Joe I can't live without him! - I said as soon as I sat on his car

He turned on the engine and I threw my hands to my hands sobbing uncontrollably.. I hoping and praying to every single angel and God for him to be okay..

I couldn't handle the anxiety building up inside me.. I had to see him and touch him or I would go insane

The minutes felt like hours and the fucking hospital looked like it was in the end of the world..

When we finally arrived, I ran to the receptionist but Joe pulled my arm and guided me

We went inside the elevator and I asked what room was

- It's room 214..

I nodded and the ding came as a sign for me to run

I ran and looked around for the room

Once I spotted the number, I abruptly opened the door breathing hard seeing Denise in tears in Paul's arms

They stood up coming to me but I pushed them aside quite hard - NO! DON'T STOP ME! NO!!

I went to the bed and saw his white skin.. he was pale like a ghost and that worried me..

- Demi..

- NO.. DON'T! He won't die! he can't die!

I turned again towards him and grabbed one of his hands while I hovered on top of him, my hair bouncing on top of his face - Nick.. wake up.. dinner is ready.. We have to spend Christmas together remember? It's our 3rd Christmas Nicholas! you can't miss it!!

No answer..

- Do you hear me? You have to decorate the cake and put the goddamn lights that I told you to put on but you were too stubborn to do it! It's Christmas Nick!! Please wake up!

Still nothing..

I cleaned my tears with my sleeves and only then I realized I was acting like a crazy woman.. He will wake up but say random things won't make it happen any faster..

I broke down in sobs leaning my head against his ear - You have to wake up baby.. I can't live without you.. You die, I die..

I heard a noise behind me and looked down seeing a chair.. I sat down and thanked Paul who was now in tears..

- He's a fighter Demi! He will survive this!

I nodded looking back at him..

I rested my hand against my heart and leaned back on the chair taking a deep breath.. I was praying so hard right now..

My hand never left his..


Hope it didn't ruined your party mood hahaha

"I know I'm acting a bit crazy
Strung out, a little bit hazy
Hand over heart, I'm praying
That I'm gonna make it out alive"

{ ..this is a modern fairytale.. }

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