One Day At A Time

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I woke up the next morning with a pair of eyes staring at me

- Good morning beautiful! - Nick cheerfully said

I smiled back a little but then the though of losing him creeped back in and that smile soon went to tears and a chin quivering

- Hey.. - he said sweetly reaching out to clean one of my tears - I don't want to see you cry

- I'm going to miss you so much.. - I broke down in sobs and snuggled into his chest crying like there was no tomorrow

He shushed me and slowly caressed my head like I was a baby.. a baby he would never have in his arms now..

That thought only made me cry more.. I was in so much pain.. I never wanted to let him go.. I never wanted to say goodbye.. At least not yet..

The morning was pretty tough but he finally managed to get me out of bed.. We had a shower together and then ate our breakfast.

We didn't do much that day.. We talked and snuggled.. he told me how scared he was..

He could die at any time.. his pancreas could start now and he would die now or it could start in a few months and he would die then.. it didn't have a fix date..

And that was what made me more anxious

We ended up deciding in living one day at a time and get as much time we had left with each other..

The first days we spent it at home since Nick wasn't able to do much.. it hurted when he walked and his scar couldn't get wet..

Christmas was just near the corner and we still didn't had put the lights on..

When Christmas finally arrived, we went to his parents house.. he could walk much better now

- Nick..

We stopped before ringing the bell and he smiled

- This could be our last Christmas together..

His smile dropped a little - Don't think about that..

- I can't help but to remember that my Ying is dying.. or my Yang.. I don't know which one I am - I said with tears falling out my eyes

He chuckled a little - Ying and Yang?

I nodded - Ying can't exist without Yang and that's exactly how I feel about you.. I can't live without you.. I will not be able to move on!

- Demi Stop! - he shouted at me pulling me back. His face was serious

- You say that like you're going to kill yourself.. you say that like there is no hope for you - He said angrily

- Nick.. you know that's what's going to happen

He shook me - You have to move on! Demi! I was just a chapter in your book that will end.. If you don't stop with this, you'll go sleep at home and I'll stay here.. might as well end things now..

My eyes widened - No! n-n-n-n-n-n-no!! - I said hugging him tightly - I don't ever want to break up with you.. don't do that..

- Then promise me, you'll try to smile.. specially tonight..

I pulled back - I'm going to tell them.. - he said looking down

I nodded and we finally rang the door bell..

His mom came and hugged him then me

- Demi! were you crying?

She hugged me tightly - Yes... but don't worry.. it's all good for now..

We walked inside and sat on the couch.. I spent the entire night next to him just like I had on the previous days.. We all had dinner and that helped get away from my thoughts a little

They would of course come back, everytime he would kiss me or rub my hand with his thumb.. everything he did now, could be the last thing..

- Guys.. - Nick said standing straight on the couch

The party was pretty much dead now.. Frankie was looking at his gifts but quickly watched Nick

- I got something to say..

Nick was really serious in his tone so he got everyone's attention..

After a few minutes, he started talking making the tears come back

- I have some bad and sad news.. Before saying anything, I want you to know that it is something that simply is going to happen and we can't avoid it.. I don't want to see any of you treating me different or sad.. I want you to commemorate life and see it as a way of making my last days on earth be happy..

Everyone sucked on their breath and I let out a quiet sob.. Nick started rubbing my arm and his voice started cracking..

- I didn't want to ruin Christmas.. but I didn't see any other day where I could catch all of us in a room.. The doctor told me that the reason why I had hypoglycemia was because my pancreas started working.. The next time that happens, it will be fatal.. He also said that, it was going to happen, in a great point of view, in a year.. so... In a better case scenario, I get to live a full year..

We heard several pleads to God and muffled cries.. Denise was completely broken and the moment he stopped talking, she went to him and broke down in sobs hugging him

I looked down and his arms went around her so I scooted a little to the side so she could sit next to him..

Dani turned towards me and gave me an sympathetic smile.. her arms went around me and I started sobbing on her chest..

- This can't be happening.. - Denise cried out as Nick shushed her.. her baby was going to die before her..

I couldn't even imagine the pain she must be in.. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child.. your flesh and blood..

A piece of her world was crashing down..

The rest of the night was really intense.. Paul tried to calm Denise down who wouldn't stop crying and Dani was staying strong for Kevin who also was in tears but in a much more controlled way..

Even Joe was heart broken and it was visible on his face.. Nick let out a bomb.. and now everyone was hurt by it..

We went back home and I bet everyone did a lot of thinking because everyone was trying to smile and making sure that every single day Nick was living was the best day he would live..

We were walking through Central Park one day when Nick stopped and kissed my cheek

- I love you.. - he whispered

I nodded and closed my eyes - I love you too.. so much..

When I opened my eyes again, Nick was on one knee

- Please.. Marry me.. show me how much you love me and lets have the most happy day of our entire lives..

I nodded letting the tears fall and cleaned a few - Of course I will.. - I chuckled feeling a little bit happy..

It was still dark though.. my heart was still slowly breaking..

He slipped now the different ring that he somehow changed without me noticing and kissed me slowly..

We still had to live one day at a time.. But the clock was ticking and the day was coming closer..

The day I would lose everything..


{ ..this is a modern fairytale.. }

What The Heart Wants (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now