1] Best to the Worst

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"Marriage... that's complicated,
But it's something beautiful as well.
Every girl wishes for a Prince Charming thinking of a happy forever after,
As she leaves her home, crying."

Releasing a breath, the taxi stopped near the front of my house. My blue dress hung low on my shoulders and parts of my neckline were visible. I had finally been home back after 3 years, graduation ended and somewhat a new life was about to start. Didn't have a clue though what my life planned for me but was ready to take it all, maybe adjust a little, like always done.

Park Amy... Yeah, that's me. Shy, introvert and not very talkative. Quiet short in height but can't help! Well, happy - happening life is what I have, childhood was the best, didn't have any siblings so, the only kid!

I finally moved back to Seoul city, South Korea which is my birthplace. I haven't been here since High School ended as I decided to get the graduation degree from Boston Girl's College. From the scholarship that I got, most people assumed that I am good at studies---a nerd. They aren't exactly wrong though.

Boston, a huge city, had a really good experience there

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Boston, a huge city, had a really good experience there. I am a literature graduate and was working as an intern in content writing and planning to be an Author. Being in Boston, I worked and studied at the same time hence, not asking a lot of money from my parents. Had a few friends there who knew I was not the very extrovert kind of person but were always by my side. Of course with studies, spent good times as well roaming around the city, shopping and having fun.

Parties.. well yeah, did party a little but never became the party animal, somewhere wanted to be though but shyness and The Awkward Amy inside me never left loose. Indeed, I have a boring life. I am a good cook since that's something I love doing in my free time.

Boys... that's complicated!

Never faced guys much during the entire time in Boston, I was too short so tall guys which I liked might not even be able to see me. Had a few crushes as well but, the love story never started!

In high school, I was a part of the Dance team which had only girls but we did the mix at times with the guy group for some functions. My class did have boys but... I never liked any.
But, there were seniors though, hot seniors.... but why would they like us!

Tried kissing my crush but it ended up being a dream! Ugh... Yeah, I've been single all my life. Maybe I was too picky. I wanted to explore but... I regret I didn't.

I love my family, my Mom is my guiding light and Dad... he is more like a friend to me. I turned 21, done with my graduation. Happy and excited as I was to meet them but somewhere I got disappointed when nobody even showed up at the airport.

Sad, right?


I met my parents finally .... and they introduced me to SeoJoon...

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