35] The Trip Continues

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Amy's POV:-

We reached the hotel at about 4 pm. I still felt a little sleepy.
I don't know why but I guess he had all this planned because everything is going so smooth. When we got off the plane, a taxi was already waiting and then we came here and all the rent is already paid.

How is this possible!

He hasn't been talking to me much. I mean, yeah, I shouldn't have reacted that much, I shouldn't have said that I'll move out because he hates it and even I would never be able to go, but still. Should I say Sorry? Or maybe wait. Ugh!!!

He came back with a key to the room.
I was dying to talk to him. I don't like being silent like this.

Amy:- Hey...

Taehyung:- What?

Amy:- Tsk Tsk, Sorry.

Taehyung:- For what?

Amy:- I wouldn't move out even if I did have to. I mean... I'd try to stay with you as much as I could.

Taehyung:- Ohhh... Really? You were all set to move, weren't you?

Amy:- But... I am...

I saw just one key in his hand.

Amy:- Why is there just one? Where's mine?

He gave me a death glare.

Amy:- What? I said I'm sorry and you're still not talking to me properly, what am I supposed to even do? And the day when you fight with me, you don't stay together! I mean, you stay in your room and I either be in the hall or anywhere else ...

Taehyung:- Did I ever stop you from coming to me after a fight?

Amy:- You didn't but, how am I supposed to just irritate you again when you are already irritated? What if you say mean stuff to me, I'll get hurt and you... you anyways don't care, you'll just make fun.

He chuckled and the next instant he turned to me and pinned me next to a wall, my wrist above my head and his hand on my waist. The corridor was empty, he just brushed the tip of his lip with mine teasing me.

Why does he do things without even letting my body be ready for something like that?The way he comes close to me, my heart starts pounding hard

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Why does he do things without even letting my body be ready for something like that?
The way he comes close to me, my heart starts pounding hard.

I gulped.

Taehyung:- I came on this trip with you... For you... Do you get it?

Amy:- Um...yeah.

Taehyung:- You'll stay... With me... Do you get that?

He loosened his grip on my wrist. I bit my lip.

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