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lisa pov

"hey whats up guys" i said happily while sitting down, making jennie sit beside me too. the rest of my group greeted my existence too. 

"hey lil sis whose this hot girl beside you" my brother kai ask me while stretching out his hands to jennie. Jennie was about to take my brother hand when i push jennie hands away and hold onto my brother hand instead.

 "her name is jennie" i said before pulling away my hands from my brother kai .

 "woah woah woah my baby sis is finally getting into some serious relationship huh, if she is yours then i wont touch it but she's hot even with the glasses though" kai said.

" whatever so jennie the people in my gang is kai who is my brother and baekhyun, chanyeol, sehun, chen, suho, xiumin, lay, nayeon, sana who is my unnie, rosie, chaeyoung, jeongyeon, jihyo, momo, mina and dahyun. "

" hey guys jennie say while shyly waves around"

 "hey jennie welcome to the group".

 when jennie was about to say hi..... she was forced to stand up by black spirit as jimin had pulled her up by her collar. and thats when me and my entire group stood up. 


 "its actually very simple, all i want is you be my girlfriend and go on a date with me" jungkook said from behind.

 "guess what jungkook..... i said while putting my hands on his shoulders before putting my lips on his ears before whispering

 "there is no fucking way im gonna go on a date with you or being your girlfriend" after that i pushed him aside and punched him in the face, and" thats for touching jennie".

 The rest of the group wanted to punch me in the face but obviously the boys in my gang stop them. after jungkook stood up he asked his group to retreat.

" Hey jen, are you ok???" i said while putting my hand on her neck checking if there is any scratches because if there is, i make sure i will hunt down jungkook and his gang and punch them till they have bruises on their face.  

"im ok lili dont have to worry about me" jennie said while taking my hands away from her neck to connect it together with her hands, i mean im not complaining as her hands are so soft but to keep my appearance in front of my gang ,i let go of her hands and faced the gang asking what they want to do later.

At my side view i can see jennie getting sad as i saw her keep her head down, im sorry nini i will explain to you later.... wait why should i explain? we are just friends right??? i shouldnt be so protective of her??? whatever i dont want to talk about relationship now, that time when i dated tzuyu it didnt actually go well it went down the hills so fast. 

me and tzuyu are still friends i mean that what we say but in real life we still feel awkard with each other and we dont actually talk much so i guess we are not actually friends now, we are just friends with some memories of love....

School have finally ended and for the entire day jennie have been very quiet all along, she kept her head down and kept texting. Manoban what have you done to jennie haiz... Now the gang are going to head home while jennie is gonna come my house for tuition. 

BYE GUYS! I said to the gang. 

"so jennie shall we go?" i asked.

 "errr actually lisa, my friend is gonna come fetch me to go eat with her... Can i come later?" jennie asked. 

"oh err yah sure, is your friend a guy?" i asked. 

"no... But she likes girls" jennie replied.

 "oh..." i said quietly, "then i'll wait for her together with you" i said.

 "actually you dont have to, i dont want to waste your time lisa yah" jennie said.

 "no you're not im free anyway. " i said. When jennie was about to reply i heard jichu shouting my name. 


"YAH CHI CHU DONT NEED TO SHOUT I CAN HEAR YOU!" I said while still facing jennie. When i turned i couldnt utter a word, my ex is literally standing beside jisoo. 

"tzuyu...." i said softly. 

"you know tzu tzu?" jennie asked me. 

"yah... I know her way too well" i said. Jisoo and tzuyu walked towards us.

 "hi.... Long time no see yoda...." i said. 

"yah a really long time since that time" tzuyu said. There's an awkard atmosphere between us so jisoo came to the save. 

"yah jendukie i brought you, your tzu tzu now where's my price" jisoo said. Jennie walked towards tzuyu and connected her hands with her. 

"yah yah jichu here's your price" jennie said while rolling her eyes while handing a chicken coupon to jisoo. Why is jennie connecting hands with tzuyu are they a couple??? Why must they connect their hands like that, can jennie let go of tzuyu hands already. I though in my head. 

"so lisa i'll just see you tonight?" jennie asked. 


"oh errr ok... Bye now i'll go eat with tzu tzu now" jennie said. 

"limario dont be sad, i will treat you to chickyyyyy" jisoo said. 

"woah jichu you never ever treat anyone chicken before... You like lisa yah is it???" tzuyu said. 

When i looked up i saw jennie glaring at jisoo while waiting for her reply.

 "no way i love my chicken more then lisa yah, but I'm gonna be nice for once and treat limario" jisoo said while rubbing her neck. 

"you know what tzu tzu, we should eat with jichu and lisa are you ok with it???" jennie said. 

"im anything though" tzuyu said. "OK ITS SETTLE THEN, WE ARE EATING WITH LISA YAH!" jennie said while clapping her hands together before connecting her hands with me and dragging me to her car. Not complaining i love it when jennie connect hands with me and is being clingy to me even though i only know her for 1 day.

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