Chapter 12

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We were sitting on my bed. Jace was leaning against the bed frame as I rested on him with my back. His arms were around me and I rested my head on his chest. Covering ourselves with my quilt, we discussed our plans for the future.

What are we going to do? How are we going to act? What are our hopes and dreams? We had a lot of catching up to do. We already lost five years. We can't afford to lose five more.

"We have dinner at my house, Belle," he muttered.

"Oh," I murmured. I combed my hair to the back with my fingers and sat up. I turned around to face him. "What are we going to tell her? How are we going to tell her that we're officially dating again? She'll be so shocked."

"I think she'll be happy and worried for you at the same time," he murmured. "But you don't have to be worried anymore. I swear I will never hurt you again. I was an asshole coward last time. I was a stupid little boy. I'm a man now."

I smirked. "Are you sure about that?"

He clutched his chest dramatically and gasped, "Ouch, I am hurt! How could you say such a thing? Of course, I'm a man. Do I sound like a woman? Do I look like a woman?"

I rolled my eyes as I laughed. I cleared my throat and replied, "No, you don't. You clearly don't." I subtly glanced at his crotch and continued, "I can clearly see that you're a man." I blushed. I did not just do that.

His face turned beetroot red as his eyes widened in shock. "Oh my, you're so wild now. The little you wouldn't do and say something like that," he chuckled.

"You already said that was the little me. Just as you have turned into a man, I'm a woman. I grew up. I'm twenty-three now, not eighteen," I replied.

Covering his mouth to hide his lingering blush, he averted his eyes. He said, "Um, let's head over to my house. Mum's waiting for us. We spent a lot of time here. Come on, I'm driving." He got off my bed, put on his clothes and walked out of my room.

I cleared my throat and closed the door. I picked a nice red dress from my wardrobe and changed into it. I have to look presentable in front of Avery Hudson, don't I? I walked out of my room and asked, "How do I look?"

He looked up and asked, "Hey, isn't this the dress you wore to my party?"

"Oh right, it is. I can't believe I can still fit into it," I murmured in realisation. How could he remember something from so long ago? We didn't even take pictures! It's almost impossible to remember this. I don't even remember.

"You look great," he replied. "It doesn't matter, though. Mum won't mind. Make yourself at home. You can just wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts."

I went back into my room to look at the mirror as he followed behind me. I twirled around to see how I looked. Beautiful. I hardly wear dresses. Let this be an excuse to wear one. "I think I'll stick to this."

"Sure, it's up to you. Let's go," Jace declared after looking at the time.

The journey to the south was a quiet one. I'm going to see Avery Hudson for the first time in five years. I gulped. I wonder what she thinks of me now. What if she no longer approves of my relationship with Jace?

As soon as we reached, we got out of his car. I looked up at the building in front of me. It looked the same. It felt so familiar, yet so distant. I miss the days I always dropped by at Jace's for dinner since I lived alone and usually ate alone.

The Leightons treated me like one of their own. Will they still do the same? It's been five years since we last met. Surely we have grown distant. Gosh, I shouldn't have worn this dress. It will make such a terrible first impression!

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