Prologue: When That Day Comes

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It was a weird morning for the Miya brothers. It wasn't the ordinary bright and sunny day, rather it was a cold and cloudy day. The twins are preparing themselves to go to school and the only thing they haven't done is eating. Of course, if they skipped breakfast, someone would be grumpy and 'die from starvation' if he didn't eat.

"Tsumu, what do you have there?" His brother calls and he sees him by the refrigerator looking for food.

"Hey, Samu. This milk has been here fo-"

"Oh, perfect timing. I was craving for cereal today." The gray haired twin took the milk from his brother's hand.

"Samu wait! that milk is-" Atsumu, the younger twin, was too late to warn his brother about the milk. Osamu, the older twin, is already eating cereal and drinking the whole milk, and it made Atsumu sigh.

Doesn't his own brother taste that the milk is already spoiled and he's still munching away the cereal?

"Samu you idiot! The milk here has expired for a month already! I was just gonna remove it until you took it from my hand and poured it on your cereal." Atsumu exclaims as was he too late because his brother already finished his big bowl.

"You're just jealous that you can't have cereal today." Was all Osamu said, an irk mark started appearing on both of their heads.

And so the two brothers started quarreling, totally forgetting about the milk.

~ ~ ~

"Ugh, my stomach hurts a lot."

"I warned you about the milk, Samu, but you didn't listen. Suffer on your own."

"Whatever. I'm not in the mood to talk to you." Osamu and Atsumu were on their way to school and it looks like the older twin isn't feeling well. It's amazing how he could keep a calm face despite his ridiculously upset stomach.

He feels like he's going to need the toilet really soon.

The twins walked in silence to school, preparing themselves because they know they'll be attacked by their fangirls. The Miya brothers are a school favorite, also add the fact that the men's volleyball team of Inarizaki High is one of the nationals championship's favorites. Therefore, they're quite famous both inside and outside school. The moment they stepped on the school's property, the screams, whispers, and squeals all started at the same time.

"Miya-senpai, good morning!"

"Have a great day today, Miya-senpai!"

"We love you, Miya-senpai!"

Osamu wasn't in the mood to greet his fans like his brother. He kept his deadpanned mood plastered on his face, silently praying for the attention to draw more to Atsumu for today. Atsumu on the other hand was greeting his fans nicely, a total opposite when he's on the actual court. Suddenly, Osamu's stomach starts to feel more weird, telling his brother that he needs to go to the bathroom and leaving him behind.

"Seriously, Samu. You could have just stayed at home if you wanted to." Atsumu sighed.

Even if both brothers love to argue and tease a lot, they also care and look out for each other. They're brothers afterall.

Atsumu took note that he has to check on his brother often today. He feels that something bad would happen today.

~ ~ ~


Atsumu tossed to his brother, and he failed to spike it. It made everyone surprised, of course except the blonde haired twin. He noticed how his older twin brother is getting pale as time passes by, and how he's getting abnormal sweats as well. The team starts to grow concerned, especially Kita Shinsuke, their captain.

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