Chapter 4

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Hello everyone! Here is Chapter 4 of IMYM. Happy Reading! ❤️

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On the fourth day, (Y/N) was awakened by Osamu's abnormal sweating, making her touch his forehead and sensing he has a fever. She gently shakes Osamu to wake up, making him wrap his arms more around (Y/N). She pouts at his reaction, but deep inside (Y/N) somehow likes it with her cheeks starting to turn red. She quickly shakes her thoughts away, Osamu sure is driving her mind crazy these days.

"Samu, c'mon wake up. You're having a fever and we need to call Kira-san." Osamu groggily grumbles, making (Y/N) let out a helpless sigh. Her last hope is Kira, but then in their position,

Things may lead to great misunderstandings.

"Can't wait to see my favorite girl today~" (Y/N) hears a familiar voice near their door, making her panic because Osamu doesn't have plans on removing his arms around her.

"(Y/N)-chan time for che-"

Both two figures that she knows so well appeared on their door, it made (Y/N) sigh the moment Kira went

"What the he-"

"(Y/N)-cHAN WHAT DID BOTH OF YOU DO LAST NIGHT??" Kira screams, she doesn't really know what to feel. The fact that (Y/N) may be 16, but in Kira's eyes she's still a small child.

She wants to feel happy? Maybe because (Y/N) found someone that can take care of her in the future or even right now, and She wants to feel sad? Because of her disease that is shortening her lifespan? She honestly doesn't know what to feel because she is bewildered with what she is seeing right now.

The funny thing was Osamu remains unaffected with Kira shouting and Atsumu, his own brother, is seeing something he doesn't want him to see.

Atsumu on the other hand also doesn't know how to feel. Growing up, his mindset was they will have the same type of girl since they're twins, but he was today years old that Osamu may already have found his type of girl that doesn't match with his. Afterall, for Atsumu, (Y/N) is his girl bestfriend he could ever have.

"Please calm down and I will explain everything later! Samu has a fever right now please treat him first." (Y/N) barks at the two people standing before their minds go to darker places, Kira immediately takes Osamu to his bed with the help of Atsumu.

"After we treat him, it's time for your checkup." Kira only said as she ran outside to get some medicine. (Y/N) sweatdrops and lets out a sigh because she knows that she will be lectured by her nurse. Once again, she feels cold without Osamu's warmth beside her.

"Sooo.. was he.. good in.. bed?"

Atsumu awkwardly asks, but deep inside he has this mischievous grin that he found his trump card to tease and annoy his twin brother. Osamu heard his brother, making him smack his stomach because it was the nearest one that he can reach. Osamu showed a smile on his face to (Y/N), making her cheeks burn all over again. (Y/N) looks back at the blonde twin, boys can be weird as shown by the Miya twins.

"Your mind is too dirty, try cleaning it with bleach sometimes, Atsumu-kun." (Y/N) crosses her arms and gives him a weird look, Osamu laughing at his brother makes them start arguing. (Y/N) lets out another helpless sigh.

It's not like they did anything wrong.

~ ~ ~

"So, how was Osamu-san?" Kira squeals and giggles at (Y/N), who is confused as of the moment. She was supposed to be lectured, but instead Kira wanted to know her experience.

"Not you too, Kira-san. Samu just slept beside me because I couldn't sleep last night, and he happened to be awake late night and.." (Y/N) starts to feel her cheeks flaring up, making her look away from Kira.

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