Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 of IMYM. Happy reading!

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"Kira-san I-"

"Hey hey, I'm always right! You're definitely in love~"

"But it's only been four days! Is that even possible?"

"Well, someone once said, 'It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.'" Kira pats the head of the (H/C) haired girl.

"Wow, Kira-san. You really know a lot of things about love." (Y/N) said, amazed with how her friend always knows what to say.

"Not really, I had my own experience with love as well. Now, we're gonna start with your checkup and then you can go back to your lover~" Kira ruffles her hair, making the girl grumble.

The girls were in the checkup room for the (H/C) haired girl to check her condition. Though before they would begin and also while waiting for the doctors, Kira would always accompany her despite her busy schedule. She is the only nurse that (Y/N) sees as her bestfriend and non-biological sister, and she has been by her side since day one which she is forever grateful for.

"Kira-san, stop teasing me.." The (H/C) haired girl puffs her cheeks as the nurse continuously pokes them. Right now, the nurse is having a good time teasing her own friend.

"Miya (Y/N) sure does fit you~" Kira singsongs to the (H/C) haired girl, making her cheeks into a deeper shade of red.

"K-K-Kira-san! I hate you, stop teasing me~" (Y/N) whines, though deep inside she may have found it interesting in having his last name.

But let's not dwell on it as they are still too young for marriage.

"I love you too, (Y/N)-chan!"

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At the same time with (Y/N)'s checkup, Osamu had an unexpected visitor. It was Grenda, and she told him that she was there for her cousin, but it looks like it was the other way around. Osamu would rather pretend to take a nap while she patiently waits for the (H/C) haired girl, but it looks like Grenda is persistent to have a chat with the gray haired twin.

"Osamu-kun, I know my cousin can be a headache."

"No she's not. She actually helped me during my first night here."

"She's acting nice just so she could have you."

"Well then, if she wants me then she can have me. (Y/N) is my type of girl afterall." Osamu thought that their conversation had already ended, but Grenda continued.

"That's not what I meant! She's just using you and your feelings to show you off, Osamu-kun." She exclaims, her eyes showing concern towards Osamu, who has a disinterested look on his face.

"Like I said, she can have me. Why would she do it for good publicity when she hasn't even gone outside?"

"Why can't you see th-" Osamu's patience is quickly going downstream, and he cuts her off.

"Grenda, you're lucky that you can walk and live outside to explore the world. (Y/N) wants to have that freedom, something she could never have. If there's one thing that I can make her have in the world, even if it's me, then I'd be willing to do that." Osamu explains as calmly as he can, though deep inside he really wants her to leave.

At first, he thought that Grenda is a nice cousin of (Y/N) and she would see him as a good friend of (Y/N). However, it turns out Grenda was just another diehard fan of him and his brother, making him definitely unamused.

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