Epilogue: I'll Make You Mine

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It was a bright morning for the Miya brothers. It was a sunny day despite the cold winter season. The twins are preparing themselves to meet with their teammates for their practice as the nationals are coming soon, and the only thing they haven't done is eating. Of course, if they skipped breakfast, someone would be grumpy and 'die from starvation' if he didn't eat.

"Tsumu, what do you have there?" His brother calls and he sees him by the refrigerator looking for food.

"Hey, Samu. This milk has been here fo— wow, you looked horrible today." Atsumu admits and stares at his brother, who's eyes were red stained from crying.

"Are you thinking about (Y/N) again?" Osamu nods his head in response. As of the moment he isn't in the mood to talk to his own brother, his mind is filled with everything about her.

"Wow, I never knew a dream can make ya feel that way, Samu. Now I'm really curious about what you dreamt of.."

"She is.. a good dream.. Tsumu." Osamu slowly said as he sat down on his chair, this isn't the first time he had that dream.

However, even if it was only just a dream, even if he dreamt of her quite a few times already, why does it still hurt all the time?

"But you know Aran-kun and Kita-san said one time that not all dreams come true. Maybe ya gotta need that stroll with the team to take off yer thoughts about her." Atsumu points out, and his gray haired twin only nodded in response.

'Oh you were a good dream.' He thought before his mind was consumed by the breakfast in front of him.

~ ~ ~

"Did you fight with Osamu again?"

"Nah, he has days like that."

"Days like what?"

"He keeps getting a dream about a person named (Y/N) and for some reason. Then when he wakes up he would look for her and think about her. He wouldn't tell me what happened, so I just let him be.."

Atsumu replied, letting out a helpless sigh. But he knew that he'd move on eventually after being left alone probably for a whole day. He stared at his brother whose thoughts are completely out of this world, matching with his blank expression plastered all over his face.

"He looks like he drank rotten milk for breakfast." Suna points out, making the team chuckle at his joke, and it suddenly made Osamu sneeze.

Because maybe it did happen.


A feminine voice called their captain, making him turn to the voice's direction. It may have caught everyone's attention especially the gray haired twin.

He couldn't believe whom he is seeing right now.

"Oh, Kira-san it's nice to see you here." Kita greets her with a polite smile.

"Who's Kira-san, Kita-san?" Suna asked his captain, and the others from the team turned into his direction.

"She is the captain of our girl's volleyball club." Kita introduced her to his team, and they greeted the girl politely.

Osamu didn't know if his mind was playing games with him, but Kira from his dream was a nurse from Hyogo Medical Center.

"Nice to finally meet you as a team, boys."

"What brings you here?"

"About that.. I wanna ask if.."

Osamu was deep in his thoughts as he recalls his dream. Kira in his dream did mention that she used to play volleyball in highschool, and the Kira in real life is the captain of their school's female volleyball club. The gray haired twin was too focused; he didn't notice that there was a person in front of him trying to get his attention.

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