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Alex POV

Right now Jacob and I are laying on the old couch in the basement watching his favorite movie "SpiderMan Far from Home."

"So have you spoke to Jade." I said.

"Nope, she hasn't called me once, maybe she's staying the night at her friends house I don't know." Jacob said grabbing my legs and putting them over his.

"Alright well i'm going to head to bed, you can just sleep in Jade's room or the guest room."I said.

In Alex room

It's fucking 3am, I can't sleep, Jade hasn't come home, I have no idea what Jacob is doing, can't even go outside because of this stupid quarantine, so therefore my life sucks.

At night or in this case early in the morning I tend to think a lot. In this moment I'm thinking about Jacob and I's friendship. I really do miss him but I just don't have time for friends right now besides Sadie. I won't risk getting hurt again and I know that makes me sound like a little fucking pussy, but when Jacob stopped being friends with me and started dating my sister it broke me. He doesn't know but that's part of the reason I started up with the drugs I was going through a rough time with the death of my parents, my sister hated me, and Jacob was all I had. I told him everything. He knew everything, so for him to just go out with Jade and stop talking to me really hurt me, but I know we were young so I forgive him and I don't have time to be sad about it anymore it happened and it's over.

I wish I could help Jacob but how. I'm literally a druggie so who am I to try and help him with his alcohol addiction. We both are so fucked up and I wish I knew more about him. He told me everything but at the same time he was a little more closed off then me if that makes sense. By the time he started drinking alcohol we weren't even in each other lives. Luckily I don't necessarily need him to tell me everything because I can read him like a fucking book

My thoughts were interrupted by what sounds like Jacob and Jade arguing.

"Oh you're so full of shit, I know you were probably out fucking some guy so save it." Jacob yelled.

"I was literally at my friends house and still that's not an excuse for you to be up at fucking 3am drinking like a god damn maniac. You need to control yourself, you aren't going to be up in my house acting like a physco." I heard Jade yell.

"Shut up you fucking whore, how about you close your legs. Yeah?"

By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs he tried throwing a glass mug at Jade but she dodged it quickly. Next thing I know Jade is running at him ready to do god knows what.
So I run down the stairs and grab Jade and push her towards the stairs.

"Don't fucking touch me bitch, mind your business." Jade yelled at me.

"I can't mind my business when you guys are screaming like someone is murdering you." I said getting in Jade's face.

"Hey, just go back upstairs Alex I got this." Jacob said whispering in my ear.

"No it's fine I'm going to bed anyway." Jade said heading up the stairs.

"You're drunk." I said turning around to face Jacob.

"So what if I am." Jacob whispered.

"Nothing just let me clean up your hand." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the kitchen.

I sat down on the kitchen counter while Jacob was in between my legs. I grabbed the first aid kit that was in the cabinet and started to clean the open wound on his hand.

"Ah fuck, shit that hurts." I finished it off by wrapping it up and kissing it like I used to do when we were kids.

"Are you mad at me Rue Rue?" Jacob said in a childish voice due to his drunk state.

"I- I'm not mad just disappointed. But I guess who am I to speak. I just want you to talk to me and tell me what's going on." I ran my fingers through his messy hair.

"Maybe another time Rue I don't want to talk about it tonight, your sister pissed me the fuck off." Jacob said with a scowl on his face.

"Um yeah cool I'll just head to bed, um goodnight." I said awkwardly.

"Goodnight Alex." Jacob said laughing at my awkwardness.

"Goodnight." I said instantly getting embarrassed after realizing I already said that.

"You said that already Alex." Jacob said letting out a groggy laugh.

"Yeah, I realized that." I said walking away shaking my head.

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