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Alex POV

What the fuck did I do, I just slept with my sisters boyfriend and he didn't freaking pull out. Then he has the nerve to blame it on me. Tomorrow morning I need to pick up a pregnancy test and a plan b. I feel like girls are always so scared to take a pregnancy test but it's the norm for me, everytime my stomach hurts and I miss my period I take one for the fun of it.

Flashback from when Jacob didn't pull out.

"Dude if there's anyone to blame to here it's you, you're the one that forgot to fucking pull out. Are you a virgin or something?" I yell pointing my finger in Jacobs face.

"Oh please shut the fuck up, it was obviously your fault. One your pussy was so tight it was squeezing my dick I couldn't even pull out. Two you should've lifted yourself off of me when you felt that I was about to bust." Jacob said shoving me into the drawer.

"You're so fucking annoying why can't you just accept that it was your fault, I'm going in my room don't bother me for the rest of the day, jade should be home soon." I ran up to my room, not forgetting to slam my door.

End of flashback.

Knock. Knock.

"Go away Jacob, I'm not joking. I don't want to look at your ugly fucking face." I quickly toss the drugs I was casually sniffing under my bed.

"Woah. What did my boyfriend do to you." Jade walks in. Now I'm kind of wishing it was Jacob.

"None of your business. Why the hell are you in my room?" I try to look as normal as possible.

"I was um wondering if I could borrow some coke, me and Jakey poo are trying something different, we just made up so yeah and I know you have some, so you can just give it to me so we don't have to fight." Jade said glaring at me as if she didn't just come in my room asking for drugs so she could "try something new" and has the nerve to glare at me as if I did something. Is she out of her fucking mind?

"So let me get this straight, you just came in my room asking for some coke as if it was nothing. You're insane. You know that Jade? You don't even talk to me so fuck out of here with the bullshit." I said sitting up straight hugging my knees.

"Well were all quarantined and I'm bored so just give it to me you little bitch." Jade said getting in my face.

"Babe what the fuck is taking you so long." Jacob came In yelling. Angry. As always.

"This little slut won't give me the damn coke."

Jacob then came up to me reaching behind my second pillow to the left and grabbed the little packet, once Jade realized he got it she left. Now it's just me and him.

"Don't be so sad, we'll try to be quiet baby." Jacob said grabbing my chin and kissing me softly.

"Get the fuck out you asshole." I said pushing him off me but he had other plans. Jacob grabbed my wrist.

"Watch it! Yeah?" Jacob said in my ear lightly kissing it making unwanted butterflies grow in my stomach.

Quarantine (Zendaya&Jacob Elordi)Where stories live. Discover now