Chapter 7

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"Until the day you become warriors and a medicine cat you shall be Ashpaw, Lionpaw, and Sparkpaw." "Ashpaw! Lionpaw! Sparkpaw!" Ashpaw's mentor was Pineflame, Lionpaw's mentor was Flamewhisker, and Sparkpaw's mentor was Redwillow. "Sunnypaw and Spiderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your Clanmates at every cost?" "I do." "Then, from this day forward, you shall be known as Sunnynose and Spiderbark!" "Sunnynose! Spiderbark! Sunnynose! Spiderbark!" Lizardheart and Icestorm had moved to the elder's den with Buzzardwing and Briarflower had died of greencough that took one of Ravenstar's lives. Smokeclaw was given his warrior name. It had also been a few moons since Redwillow found out that Mintnose was having kits. "Redwillow! I think the kits are coming!" Mintnose yowled. Flamewhisker, Pineflame, Firedash and Redwillow hurried to the nursery. "The first one's coming out. Flamewhisker, get a stick and Pineflame, get some borage leaves." Pineflame and Flamewhisker nodded. Flamewhisker went to find the perfect stick for his mate, not too short or not too hollow. He found a thick stick on the floor. He put it in his jaw but it crumbled. That was a beech stick, mouse-brain! He meowed to himself. He found another stick and thought it was perfect; and he was correct. Before he got there he heard Mintnose wail. He gripped the stick in his jaws and got back to the nursery. The first kit that came was a golden tom. "He looks just like Thornpaw." Mintnose mewed softly. "And like a flash of lightning." Flamewhisker mewed "We should name him Lightningkit." Mintnose meowed. "The next kit's coming." Redwillow turned her head to Mintnose and Flamewhisker. "It's a brown tom like Scratchpelt." Pineflame meowed. "He's a jumpy one too, let's name him Bouncekit." Flamewhisker chuckled. "A third one's coming! It looks like another brown tom." Redwillow purred. She was so happy to see how much kits were coming. "We should name him Mudkit." Mintnose purred. "It looks like Mudkit's not breathing!" Flamewhisker gasped. The little brown kit had been born dead. "There's one more. It looks like a tortoiseshell she-kit." Redwillow meowed. Mintnose bit down on the stick. "Don't worry, it's over." Flamewhisker snuggled into Mintnose. "The she-kit has bright green eyes like you, we should name her Brightkit." Flamewhisker purred. "It's a wonderful name for our wonderful kit."

Warriors: Lightning and Brightness Book 1: The Third KitWhere stories live. Discover now