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One month later

November 30th

32 Weeks

Colby was leading a class at the academy while Rebecca was home washing and organizing the last of the clothes she'd bought online. Colby was growing more nervous as each day passed, he hated being away from her for too long.

"Colby!" Nick yelled from the desk "Your wife is demanding to talk to you and she sounds like she's crying" he said and he completely abandoned the drill he was in the middle of leading and ran to the phone

"Rebecca" he said and he heard her sniffle

"I need you" she cried and his eyes widened

"What's wrong?" He asked as he grabbed his keys quickly

"I think my water broke" she said and Nick saw his friend's face drain of color quickly and he reached out to hold him up

"What is you think?" He asked

"Well I was putting clothes away and I felt pressure and then a huge gush and its still coming out of me"

"Okay" he took a deep breath "I'm on my way, just try and breathe.. relax.. I'll be there as soon as I can"

Ten minutes, it took him ten minutes, five less than it would have if he was going the legal speed limit.

He ran in the house almost tripping up the stairs he was moving so quickly. He walked in their room and there she was, sitting on the edge of the bed, her hands running back and forth over her stomach, a small smile on her face as she looked up at him

"Are you okay?" He asked as he bent down in front of her and she nodded

"Scared" she said in a whisper

"Its gonna be fine" he said kissing her head "Its all gonna be fine" he said again "Have you had any contractions yet?" He asked

"No" she shook her head "It was just the water, I called the doctor and he's pretty sure that's what it was"

"Did he say anything else?"

"He just said when we go in the hospital we're not going to be coming back out without them.. he said regardless of if it was 100% my water breaking or not, he was delivering them today"

"Wow" he took a deep breath "Okay" he nodded "Okay" he said once more as he stood up and looked at her for moment "This is it" he said

"This is it" she said with a nod "No turning back now"

Colby managed to call his mom while Rebecca called hers, Annette was of course still in Ireland and wasn't due to come over for a few more weeks but she assured her daughter that she would get the first flight out to be with her. They called Ashley who was staying at a hotel downtown, They took their time getting out of the house. Rebecca checked, double checked and triple checked everything, she didn't want to forget anything.

Rebecca looked back at the living room as Colby helped her out the door towards the car

"This is the last time this house is gonna be this quiet" she said with tears in her eyes and he nodded as he placed a kiss on her head

"Can we go become parents now?" He asked and she nodded 

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