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Rebecca and Colby were making the next appointment with the receptionist when the doctor pulled the aside. The husband and wife duo looked at one another confused as they walked with the doctor into his private office.

"We need to discuss some things before you two leave the office today" Dr.Randall said as he took a seat behind his desk and Colby and Rebecca sat down in the two chairs in front of him

"You said everything was perfect" Colby shook his head "You said it looked fine" he said

"The baby does" Dr.Randall nodded "You wife however" he looked to Rebecca "She is the one I'm concerned about"

"Why?" Rebecca asked quietly "You said I was doing everything right, why.." She trailed off when she saw the grim look in his eyes

"I have been your doctor for a very long time Rebecca and I've always kept everything very truthful and honest, I've tried my best not to sugarcoat things and I'm going to continue to do that as long as you are my patient" he said

"Just get to the point" Colby shook his head "What's wrong with my wife?"

"Well, given her previous two pregnancies, how they ended, wasn't how we want them to end" he stated with a shake of his head "As you know, with the first pregnancy everything was perfect up until the end, and then when you began to bleed we got concerned and that's when we did the cesarean, the placenta had detached itself from the uterine wall and that was the cause of the hemorrhaging, you lost almost up to 15% of your blood during that"

"We know this.. trust me, we remember" Colby said as he looked at his wife who looked as if she was about to cry as she remembered Alex's birth once again

"Then with the triplet pregnancy, that was high risk enough as it was but given your first pregnancy we knew it was going to be difficult when it came time to deliver them and once again during the cesarean you began to lose blood very very quickly, we noticed delivering the third baby"

"Knox" Rebecca said "When you were delivering Knox and everything started to go wrong" she said and Dr.Randall nodded

"we noticed your placenta was once again detaching which was causing you to fill up with blood again.. this happening multiple times is not good for your vital organs, us cutting into you again is not a good decision for you"

"Wait.." Colby shook his head "Are you saying if she has another c-section she won't make it?"

"I'm saying the chances are not good" the doctor stated

"Then I won't" Rebecca stated "I won't have another c-section, problem solved, I'll do it naturally.. no drugs, nothing"

"Rebecca with your body and all of the trauma it has been through it would be even more trauma if you deliver naturally" Dr.Randall shook his head

"I would hope as a doctor you know this, but this baby has to come out of me one way or another" she said and she looked at the doctor and then her husband and then back to her doctor "Oh my god" she shook her head as she realized it "That's it, you don't think this is a good idea"

"In my personal opinion, I want all of my patients to be happy and healthy and have as many children as they would like" he nodded "but in my professional opinion, no" he shook his head "I don't think you having this child is a good idea for you"

"What exactly are you suggesting?" She asked, she knew exactly what he was suggesting but she wanted to hear him say it

"For your health and safety and to insure you have a long and happy life with the three children you already have, It is my professional opinion what is best for you is to not continue with this pregnancy" 

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