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Annette had taken Knox home earlier so Rebecca could talk to the cops and give her statement. She checked in on her son who was fast asleep when she got home before making her way down the hall, she walked into her old room quietly. Colby sat on the edge of the bed staring at the wall, he had been quiet the majority of the day.

"Hey" she said in a whisper and he looked over at her "You've been way too quiet, What's going through your head?"

"I don't think you really want to know" he shook his head and she walked over to him, gently placing her hand on his shoulder

"Can I sit down?" She asked and he nodded and he was fully expecting her to sit on his lap, like she always did but she didn't, instead she sat next to him with her hands in her lap

"I almost killed him, I wanted to kill him" he spoke quietly and she nodded

"I wouldn't have been mad if you did" she said "What stopped you?"

"The fact that you'd be raising four kids on your own because I'd be in jail" he said

"I don't think anybody would have actually sent you to jail, no judge in their right mind would blame you"

"You've been twenty minutes away for the last week, I could have found you if I looked harder"

"How much harder were you going to look? Mom says you barely ate, you didn't sleep.. that makes two of us, I was almost afraid to fall asleep because I didn't know what would happen, I barely ate anything because Luke really didn't buy much and I wanted Knox to be fed.. I ate enough to take care of her" she placed her hand where their daughter was growing "The rest went to Knox"

"You two were tortured for weeks"

"He's a psychopath that I never should have dated years ago but I did.. and thanks to me my kids were brought into the middle of it"

"It's not your fault, you did nothing wrong"

"Except go to him willingly"

"You didn't go willingly, you were forced, he made you choose between your kids or him..he told you he would hurt your kids"

"He did that anyway!" She yelled "You saw the bruise on Knox's back but you don't even know the half of it, that wasn't even scratching the surface of what he did" she shook her head

"He touched you" he spat and he watched her nod "Numerous times"

"I don't want to think about it, I just want to shower and forget it"

"I don't think we're ever going to be able to fully forget this" he shook his head "but showering I agree with" he nodded and he watched her stand up and she looked back at him as she made her way into the attached bathroom "Will you be here when I get out?" She asked and he nodded

"Take as long as you want, I'm not going anywhere" he said

Rebecca took an hour long shower, she just let the water run over her and relaxed, and the thing about crying in the shower was nobody would no the difference when you got out.

"Colby" she said

"Yeah?" He asked and she let out a sigh of relief, he was still there

"My clothes.. I don't have any.. they're all at the apartment" she said

She waited patiently for him to find clothes in the dresser that sat in the room, she didn't know if she was going to be able to fit in anything she'd left there so many years prior. She was fully expecting shorts and a tank top that didn't fit her.

She held her hand out the door and felt him place the clothing in her hand, it was pajama shorts that she somehow still fit in and the black shirt she knew immediately, it was his shirt, the shirt he'd been wearing that day, she slipped it over her head and was immediately overwhelmed with the smell of him, it made her feel at home and protected.

She walked into the room and saw him laying in the bed and she nodded as she started to make her way out of the room

"Where are you going?" He asked

"To bed" she said and he looked at the bed he was currently in "I don't want to make you feel weird" she shook her head

"It's making me feel weird that you don't want to sleep in the same bed as me"

"It's been a traumatic eight weeks" she said through tears and he reached out for her hand and she immediately reacted by pulling away but then he saw her regret it almost instantly

"Come to bed" he said quietly and she nodded

She laid down next to him and they stared at the ceiling, Colby had never felt awkward around her, he had never felt uncomfortable but in this situation he didn't know what he could do. Could he hold her? Could he kiss her? They hadn't kissed since the hospital. Should he just lay there and wait for her to fall asleep before falling asleep himself?

This was going to be a hard thing to get over, she was traumatized and rightfully so, it was going to take a lot of patience for her to come back to herself again, for her to become his wife again. 

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