Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


He circled the tree out of breath, his boots covered in mud as he roamed the woods endlessly until finally finding the Willow Tree. He pressed his palms against the tree of the trunk and rested his forehead against the sturdy structure as he tried to catch his breath. Aurora and his parents had tried to circle through the forest, just in case the Willow tree was a dead end, but they all knew the truth of the Willow tree. They all knew it was a portal to the realms but not just anyone could enter through its passage.

"Please, Wrennie....Don't leave me. Don't leave without me." He whispered softly against the bark of the tree as he closed his eyes and tried to find it within himself to move from the spot. He opened his eyes slowly and wiped the dampness from his face with his shoulder as he dropped down to his knees and pressed his back against the base of the tree. He lifted his knees and rested his forearms on them and let his head fall as he stared at the ground beneath him and prayed to any Gods that listened to show him any type of sign that Wren was still there. His head shot up as he heard footsteps approached and he quickly stood from the roots of the tree, brushing his hands on his pants as he took a step forward. Dipping under the long tentacle leaves of the tree; Aurora appeared wide-eyed and out of breath as her eyes darted around.

"She's not here, Ror. I can't find her anywhere." He said in almost a whisper as he stepped forward towards his sister. He watched his sister's face crumble as her lip quivered and tears slowly fell down her delicate face. Ryker took another step forward and embraced his sister. "We will get her back. I promise." He whispered as he felt her rest her head on his shoulder and wrap her arms around his waist.

Aurora mumbled into his shirt, "I don't think mom and dad are going to be helping us. They think this is for the best. They already turned back home." Ryker's eyes widened as he listened to his sister say these words. He couldn't believe that his parents had openly said that this was for the best. Ryker took a step back from his sister and shook his head, running a hand through his hair as he exhaled slowly. The crisp air of the night was causing goose bumps to prickle his skin as he tried to comprehend the situation they were in and what exactly they were going to do next. Wren clearly knew where she needed to go and gave them no information before leaving. The fact that she tried to use her mind control on him and his sister was a clear indication she didn't have plans on returning to them and that truth hurt the most. Ryker lowered his hands to his side and faced his sister with his chin raised.

"We are going to find her then, Aurora. We will use the abilities we have to find her." His voice fierce with anger as he glared into his sister's eyes and saw the smile cross her lips as she nodded in return, agreeing to whatever actions he would take next.

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