Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


Wren opened her eyes and gazed over toward Vada who sat with her eyes shut and Wren noticed the tear that dropped slowly down her porcelain skin. Wren stood slowly from her seat and walked toward Vada.

"Vada?" Wren said softly as she stretched out a hand and rested it against her shoulder, squeezing lightly against the delicate bones that lie beneath. Vada opened her eyes slowly and glanced up towards Wren, a frown crossing her lips as she reached her hand up towards the shoulder Wren's hand rested. Vada placed her hand over Wren's spoke softly.

"That boy out there.... He is hurting and I can feel it through the tree. The love he feels for you creates sparks in my soul. What a treat to have..." She said softly as she squeezed Wren's hand gently. "He is so deeply in love with you, sweet girl." Her voice was a whisper as Wren opened her mouth to reply but she couldn't find the words.


No he couldn't be in love with her. She had used her mind control to sway him from feeling that way. She felt her heart beat more rapidly as her mind swam with confusion. Had she done something wrong when she had entered his mind? She pulled her hand from under Vada's and took a step back as she tried to recall the exact words she had spoken to Ryker.

"He cannot love me. I....I went into his mind..." She trailed off as she saw Vada's eyes meet hers and saw the smile cross the woman's lips. "Why are you smiling like that, Vada?" She creased her brow as she waited for the woman's reply.

The smile widened across Vada's lips as she spoke softly, "Your mind control does not work on the Merrick's, child. When they were children their parents made sure that no one would ever have control over their children." As Wren listened to the words, she slowly raised her hands to cover her mouth as her eyes widened. So everything she had said, they had played along with just because they knew they had to. They would never show Wren that her power didn't work on them; they loved her too much to allow for that.

Wren took a staggering step back and lowered her hands abruptly from over her mouth as she said abruptly, "I have to talk to him. I have to tell him that I didn't mean what I said and that I simply wanted him to forget me and not hurt the way he does now. Oh Gods, I am so stupid." She said as she paced back and forth, her hands rising and dropping from her side as she looked aimlessly towards Vada.

"The best thing you can do is let him be. You have done the only thing you knew how and that was to let him and the others go." Vada said more softly as she leaned further back against the leaves. Wren stopped pacing as she stared toward the woman perched on the mound before her. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly through her nose as she moved back to the seat she had vacated.

"You're right. You're absolutely right. I wanted to find the truth and I need to let them go in order to do that. I need to move forward and allow the same for them." She said casually as she intertwined her fingers in her lap and tried to listen to what sounds were absent from outside the tree. Had he moved on? Was she no longer a thing on his mind? Her mind was racing with questions and her emotions were gaining control of her better judgment. Vada slowly stood from her perch and crossed the room towards the entryway they had moved through, back towards the passage of the realms.

"If you wish to see your mother, we must move sooner rather than later." Vada said from the doorway as she shook her body and the feathers reappeared along her clothing and skin. Wren looked on in shock as she stood slowly from her seat and bent forward to pick up her bag. "Harmonia will be moving across the skies of Asura by the time we pass through the portal into the realm." Wren nodded absently as she followed the woman into the passage and towards the portal that displayed a mountainous scene, the clouds moving slowly in the sky, and the skies a bright blue. Wren smiled as she stood before the portal and stared as what should have been her home. It looked so similar to what the human realm contained; mountains with snow-capped peaks, blue skies with large puffy clouds, and the peace of nature. Vada outstretched her hand towards Wren, a gesture to take hold before she placed their bodies through the portal and into the realm beyond.

Wren looked at Vada and smiled, she threw her bag off to the side and grabbed her hand with eagerness and allowed the woman to transport them to the realm beyond.

She hadn't realized she held her eyes shut tightly as she slowly opened them and the bright lights of the realm beyond tore at her eyelids. She dropped Vada's hand and shielded her eyes with her raised hand as she tried to look around at her surroundings. Vada took a step forward and turned towards Wren, a smile parting her lips.

"Welcome home, Wren." She whispered softly as she turned her back towards Wren again and took slow steps forward. Wren's eyes began to grow accustomed to the bright sunlight of the world around her as she walked slowly after the woman, lowering her hand and looking in awe at the world before her.

As she walked slowly behind Vada, a large castle came into view and the way the towers roared into the sky would leave anyone dumbfounded on the mechanics behind 'how'. She wrapped her arms around her midsection as she gawked around at the volumes of green trees that surrounded her at every turn. Everything was too beautiful and healthy that it seems death wasn't even a question here. Realization hit her as she realized where exactly she was and she laughed softly. Of course death wasn't real here; the Gods lived long lives in this world where death never knocked. Vada turned her head slightly to gaze at Wren when she laughed. Wren met her gaze and tried to smile at the woman, but fear began to creep into her bones as she wondered what she would even say to her mother when she met her.

Met her mother.

How insane it was that after all these years, she would find her way back to the woman who had forsaken her to the human realm to live alone. She kept her footsteps soft and quiet as she followed Vada down the dirt path towards the castle before them. It must stand hundreds of feet tall unless this was simply an illusion. Wren's heart was racing as she continued to turn her head left and right to take it all in. She had never experienced anything like it. They walked in silence for what seemed minutes until Vada came to a halt and turned to face Wren.

"This is as far as I can take you." She said softly as she looked over her shoulder slowly and from what seemed thin air, a dark haired male approached on steady feet. Wren's eyes widened as she took in the appearance of him as she watched him lazily approach the two. His hair hung disheveled in long strands that could've been the color of sand and his eyes, once they met hers, she was shocked to see the lightest hue of green. Vada turned back towards Wren and smiled softly. "Callum will escort you the remainder of the way." Wren tilted her head to the side as she furrowed her brows and watched him come to a halt.

Vada straightened herself and closed the space between Wren and herself and quietly leaned forward, embracing the girl. Her head came close to Wren's as she whispered softly this time, "Trust no one." She took a gentle step back and rested her hand on the side of Wren's face, cupping her cheek and smiling genuinely at the girl. Wren nodded her head and bit her bottom lip as she felt Vada's hand drop from her face. Callum was staring at the two as he cleared his throat and motioned with a nod of his head that they would continue towards the castle. Wren took a deep breath and swallowed as she stepped aside Vada and followed Callum forward on the dirt path. As she took several steps forward, she peeked over her shoulder to where she had left Vada, but there was no one there anymore. Wren returned her attention to the back of Callum as he led them further up the path and towards the castle gates.

There was no turning back now.

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