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scouts pov • 04/06/19

quackity without the hq @quackity4k 5m

holy shit he actually dmed me? is that him? that kind of looks like a fan page though. i looked that the account and there's proof it's actually him. wow. i'm absolutely bamboozled. i open the message then replied.

quackity without the hq



do you wanna join me and carson for a minecraft's got talent?

uh hell yes

i was planing tomorrow i still haven't talked to carson yet

yessss carlyyyy

carly? like carly shay-

carson is carly shay

i'm going to start calling him that now thank you


okay so i will text you tomorrow if the plans are set
can i have your discord?

yes it's @ sCLOUT #****

oh my god sCLOUT

hey don't judge my name you're a duck

dicks are awesome fuck off



mmm i already sent a screenshot to carson


i'm so proud of you for coming out 😭

fuck offff

okayy good night sweaty

good night boomer 🙄

before i go to bed i decided to watch some of quackity's videos. man that was a mistake. i ended up staying awake until 2 am. he's so loud and funny. i'm surprised i've never heard of him before! he has just my humor and he's the type of youtuber i would watch regularly. he's also kind of attractive. and his smile is very contagious.

scouts pov • 04/06/19

i woke up at about 10:30 and decided to stream. sunday mornings i always play minecraft on survival mode. i have my own world and everything. i normally record and upload parts to youtube throughout the week. not many people join the stream since it's a sunday morning.

at about 12 i got a discord notification from alex.


sup loser


carson is ready so i'm about to add you to the call we're in
are you in my server?

you have a server?

okay so that's a no
here's the link: *******************

oOoo sexy


okay i'm in

accept the call whore


i accepted the call from alex and we were in a private voice chat in his server. carson was already there.
(an: i'm switching to script cause it's easier)

carson: "SCOOOOOT."

scout: "CARLYYYYY."

alex: "oh god you guys are louder than me."

alex: "hehe scoot."

scout: "okay dick lover."

carson: "oh my fucking god yes."

alex: "i meant to say ducks!"

scout: "*cough* dick lover *cough*"

carson: "*chuckles*"

alex: "okay whores are we going to start this thing or not."

scout: "yesss let's start."

we all joined his minecraft server and alex began recording. i had so much fun with alex and carson. we probably spent about four hours on the same call just having a good time.

carson ended up leaving because he had videos to record. so that just left me and alex.

"sooo, dick lover. do you think you got good footage?" i ask him.

"dude stop calling me dick lover. and yeah i got a lot of good funny moments. it's going to be so hard to edit." he chuckles.

"hahaha rip. man that was so funny when carson started choking on his water during the one dude's performance. i felt so bad but it was so funny!" i laughed and alex laughed along with me.

me and alex bonded over youtubers we know and experiences we've had on youtube and twitch. we really had a heart to heart moment and i think him and i will be good friends.


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