Chapter Fifteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Zayn's back and now things are going to get really interesting! Leave me your feedback :)!

Niall's Pov:

Zayn's in trouble! He's hurting and I need to find him! There torturing him because of me, God if anything happens to him I don't know what I'd do. Liam's trying to keep me calm, But how can he expect me to calm down when the person I love could be dying right now! My heart feels like someones shoved a dagger into it, There moving it around not caring for the pain it's causing, My stomach has a knot in it the size of a tennis ball, I feel like there's no way to un-knot it. I can't control my breathing because my bodies gone into shock, My body collapsed to the floor a long time ago, Strong arms were wrapped around me which belonged to Louis. I could hear Liam's words bringing me back to the painful reality.

"Niall, Niall come on breathe for me" Liam said soothingly trying his best to calm me down. It took a few minutes but my breathing finally returned to normal. 

"We have to go! We have to find Zayn!" I exclaimed, Liam shook his head.

"No, Niall you need to tell me exactly what you saw" Liam replied, I sighed. Why would he make me go through this memory again?

"I saw Zayn, He was surrounded by these men, They wern't speaking only looking at him" I began.

"What did they look like?" Liam asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, Some of them had cloaks on, The rest had there backs turned, I only saw Zayn, They were torturing him, He was screaming in agony, He was calling my name Liam, He wanted me, He was desperately trying to reach me, But he couldn't" I explained. Liam nodded.

"And you say you only saw Zayn's face?" Louis asked. I nodded my head.

"Boys I don't get why were doing this, Why are we putting Niall through the turmoil of remembering the person he loves being hurt? I'm with Niall, We need to find Zayn and bring him home" Harry stated.

"But what if what Niall saw wasn't actually real" Liam said, I quickly stood up.

"I know what I saw! I'm not making this up!" I yelled.

"Niall were not saying that! Were saying maybe you saw what they wanted you to see" Liam replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Niall, The others, If they know about you, Which the fact that Zayn's missing means there's a high chance that they do, There going to show you what you fear the most, Because they know your going to come for Zayn, It's the easiest way to get you and kill you before the prophecy can come true" Louis explained.

"Which means this could all just be a set up" Liam added.

"But there's also a chance this could be real, And Zayn really does need us, What are we going to do, Leave Zayn to maybe die or go in fighting!" Harry exclaimed not really looking for an answer.

"This could all be part of there plan!" Liam exclaimed.

"But is it a risk your willing to take Li" Harry asked.

"Look, I'm not asking you guys to come with me, But in my heart I know that Zayn needs me, I'm not leaving him, He would never leave me, So I'm not leaving him" I stated.

"Zayn would never leave any of us, You know that, Niall, I'm going with you" Harry replied as he stood beside me.

"Well I'm not leaving either of you" Louis stated as he took hold of Harry's hand, We then all turned to look at Liam.

"You stay close to me at all times, If this is a trap it's going to dangerous"

My hearts wildly beating, Zayn's here, I know he is, I can't explain why but I can feel him deep inside of me.

"Come on Niall where is he?" Liam asked. I closed my eyes.

"He's close guys I can feel him" I stated, I closed my eyes once again before they shot open. "He's in there!" I exclaimed.

"Allow me" Louis smirked before breaking the door down with a single punch, Even to this day there strength still shocks me. We all quickly rushed inside, There was a figure standing in the corner of the room, Liam stepped forward first with his arm protectively infront of me.

"Niall?" Zayn's familiar voice filled my ears, I looked up to see Zayn's beautiful face walking towards me, Tears began to stream down my face as I rushed towards him, Zayn quickly opened his arms and pulled me against his ice cold body, A touch I thought I'd never experience again.

"Zayn! I thought I'd never see you again" I whispered, He gently squeezed me.

"Oh Ni, I can't tell you how happy I am that your safe" Zayn replied before turning to the rest of the boys. "Why did you bring him here! Niall you shouldn't have come! It's a trap" Zayn stated. I was about to reply before a cold presence was felt in the room.

"Well isin't this cosy" A cold voice sounded in my ears, Zayn held me closer to his chest as Louis, Harry and Liam stood protectively infront of us.

"Let us go!" Louis spat with gritted teeth.

"Your all fools, Especially the little human, You need to learn the difference between fear and reality kid, Did you all really think you could keep him a secret forever" The voice said as he tried getting closer to me only to be shoved back by Liam.

"If you come anywhere near him I'll rip you apart one piece at a time!" Zayn spat causing the man to laugh.

"Zayn you surprise me, Falling inlove with a human, After swearing you would never be the one to make the prophecy come true, You betrayed us Zayn and you betrayed the code, Changing him goes against everything we believe in" 

"We don't all believe in the way you think" Harry yelled.

"You can't stop the prophecy, It's going to happen and nothing you do will change that!" Louis stated.

"Louis, Louis, Zayn won't change his dear one, He cares to much, But having a human in our family well we all know it's not aloud" The man smirked.

"Your not our family that's the difference!" Liam exclaimed.

"Liam, You shock me, Even you know to every prophecy there's a loop hole, This human can't withstand what's going to happen to him, Only one can survive, So why don't we put him out his misery now" 

"Stay away from him!" Zayn spat as he held me closer to him, Before we knew it more vampires appeared my eyes widened. We were outnumbered.

"Attack" With that simple world all hell broke lose, The last thing I remember was colliding with a wall and Zayn's body towering over me. 

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