third: help

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I waited breathlessly. My anxiety made me glance behind me again and again. I shuddered at every little sound. Expecting to see the armed men after me again.

Maybe we can have a little fun first?

I flinched violently as I felt my skin crawling again at his vile words. I was used to handsy people. I had known how to handle them, but it was rare that random perverts had walked up to me with loaded guns. I rang the bell again, shivering in agitation and the night which was suddenly colder. Thankfully, the door opened and a tired Scarlett answered.

"Xav? What-?" Her eyes widened as she gasped at my appearance. She wore pyjamas, her blonde hair flying about her face and I realized she had been getting ready for bed. "Oh my god, what happened?"

She stepped back as I entered. Immediately, I shut and locked the door behind me. Now that I felt secure, I realized my body was aching from the assault. "Can I get some water?"

She nodded and started leading me downstairs to the kitchen. I gazed at the familiar, high ceiling and ornate chandeliers. It was strange to imagine how many things had changed since I had first set foot inside the Atkinson's mansion. I went and sat behind the kitchen counter, shutting my eyes against the dull ache in my abdomen.

I could still taste the blood in my mouth and touched my lower lip to find the glistening, sticky vermilion on my finger. I could still see the men with their guns. Their words that repulsed and terrified me. The metal glinting under the silver moonlight. Their menacing snarls. The smell.

Scarlett returned after a few minutes and placed a glass of water in front of me.She studied me, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. The sleepiness in her eyes had disappeared. "You're shivering. Xavier, will you-"

She sighed as I ignored her question. I raised the glass of water and started drinking from it. Slowly. Deliberately. She sat across me, gazing at me silently. I wasn't ready to recall anything just yet. Maybe wouldn't be for some time. After I realized that I couldn't stretch out the process of drinking water any longer, I set it back down on the counter and gazed at it. The taste of blood in my mouth seemed to have gotten worse, however, my parched throat was thankful. "Thank you."

"Xavier, I left you at the bar and you return almost three hours later looking like you were assaulted," She shook her head as my heart spiralled into my chest, "What happened?"

I remained quiet.

She sighed, leaning back and drumming her fingers impatiently on the counter. "You're hurt," She leaned forwards and touched her thumb gently to my bottom lip. "You're bleeding."

I turned my face away from her, my face hot from embarrassment. She sighed again. "I'll go call the doctor. I think you need someone-"



"I said no."

"You're bleeding."

I sighed and looked at her, shaking my head firmly. "No. Scar I just..."I raked a hand through my hair, "I just need some sleep. And a shower. To get this fucking blood off me."

"Okay. I think you should call Grayson and atleast let him know whatever the fuck happened to you. He'll want to be here."

My heart lurched painfully in my chest. I hoped she wouldn't notice when I almost flinched at the mention of his name. I was wrong.

"Xav?" She leaned towards me, her eyes wide. "What happened? Is it Gray? Did you guys have a fight? He got to know about your twisted plans didn't he?" She sighed, shaking her head as she trudged on angrily, "I don't want to be that friend but do you see now what I was saying? Do you understand-"

Xavier (Sugar Baby 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now