thirty-one: forever

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Dedicated to MishMishYouIsFine for their absolutely hilariously indignant comments XD 


"Well, it could have gone worse."

I rolled my eyes at Jem. "You don't know. You weren't there."

He laughed as I complained about my thermodynamics practical for the umpteenth time. "I mean, I guess I got most of it right. They just try to twist your questions and stuff."

He shook his head and playfully punched my shoulder. "Lighten up man. You survived stabbing. You can survive the chemistry finals."

I grinned at him and folded the t-shirt neatly before putting it inside my backpack. I straightened up and took a deep breath, my heart racing. "Yep, plus I have much greater plans for today."

He smiled. "Yeah, I know. That's all you've been talking about."

I chuckled. "I just hope he doesn't say no."

A twinge of worry went through my stomach at the thought. His eyes widened. "The man is crazily in love with you, Xav. Plus, didn't he already propose to you before?"

I sighed softly, my heart aching at the memory. "Yes, and I turned him down and...basically dumped him," I shook my head. "I mean things are different now."

I felt a sudden doubt in my head. I reached into my pocket to feel the tiny velvet box, something my father had got me. Initially, I hadn't wanted to take it, but he told me if I wanted, I could pay him back later. Whenever I would have the money, which I didn't right now. Moreover, I didn't know the cost of the ring either, but from what I could tell, the seek, sexy, solid gold ring would probably take some time for me to buy on my own. 

I didn't know what had changed my mind towards marriage, but the entire whirlwind of the semester had taught me a lot of things. I didn't know anything about true love or fate or destiny or soul mates, but I couldn't see myself apart from him. If any of those things ever existed, I knew in my heart that it was him. I had given him too much pain and he had still loved me with everything. I promised to do the same.

I hung the backpack on my shoulder and gazed at the room once, a sudden sadness in my heart. A lot had happened over the past semester, but without a psychopath and a billionaire after my life, this past few weeks at Northwood had been quite good. 

"Only two things are different, Xav," He answered as he pulled his bag over his shoulder, smiling softly. "One, your relationship with him is stronger than ever and two-" he grimaced. "I am now a uni-kidney man."

I shook my head. "Jem, if you make that joke one more time-"

He laughed. "Hey come on..." he shook his head. "No way I can tell my parents though. They will flip the fuck out."

I felt a twinge of regret. Maybe my guilt at not being able to save Jem would go away someday. But for now, I would let myself grieve. We started making our way out of the room. He locked it behind him and handed me one of the spare keys. "So when I see you next time, you'll be engaged."

My heart fluttered at the thought. "Hopefully."

He grinned and gave me half a hug. "Goodluck, Xav. See you in a few weeks."

I nodded as he made his way down the staircase. I dawdled around for a while, my nervousness increasing. I gazed at the corridor where Caleb's broken down door still visible. It hadn't been changed. There had been a lot of enquiry at the university and I was afraid I would be questioned as well. However, Gray must have done something which meant that I was left alone in peace to finally concentrate on my academics, something I was grateful for. Somehow like always, he was there. My heart felt full at the thought.

Xavier (Sugar Baby 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now