sixth: nemesis

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I fell asleep in his arms.

The exhaustion and anxiety I had felt since the last twenty four hours melted away in his warmth. He held me close, protectively. And somehow, it was hard to worry about potential murderers hot on my trail. Somewhere I hoped they would lose interest soon, they always did.

It was almost dusk by the time I woke up. I got dressed and made my way downstairs, my stomach rumbling. I saw a plate covered on the table in the living room and was relieved to see some grilled chicken. I heated it up and ate silently, wondering where Gray could be. After I was done I went to wash the plates and heard the main door open. I peeked me head from the kitchen and grinned at him. "Hey there."

He smiled softly. I noticed he had a thick brown envelope in his hand and wondered where he had been. He walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. "How do you feel?"

I sighed softly. I still felt a little sore, although, whether it was from the assault or the animal sex, I wasn't sure. "So much better."

"Did you eat?"

I nodded. He walked over to the couch and sat on it. I sat on the floor opposite him, gazing curiously as he opened the envelope and extracted a sheaf of papers from it.

"What's that?"

He was quiet for a while, as if unsure. He sighed finally. "Some brochures," he glanced at me. "I guessed you'd want to go for STEM."

I gaped at him. "Um...what?"

He didn't answer right away. He gazed at the glossy, colourful page in front of me. I could see what looked like a University Brochure. He raked a hand through his hair as he spoke. "You should definitely apply for this thing. You're only a couple of years behind. Shouldn't face too many issues."

I reached for the brochure and looked at it. A couple of smiling students sat on the grass, a massive, white university building visible behind them. The letters on top read, 'Northwood Institute.'

I placed it back on the table and shook my head. "How about, no fucking way?"

He stopped leafing through the pamphlets and gazed at me. "It's perfect Xavier. They have courses I know you'll be good at. You can take the foundation course and-"

"It's in the north," I said, shaking my head. "That's like a fucking... five hour travel up and down. I can't-" I stuttered at the look on his face. " want me to move there?"

He sighed, his expression soft," I was thinking I could rent a place in the East. You can get one there and-"

"No," I said, my heart racing in my chest. "No fucking way. I...I'm not going to move away from you. It's so far. We can't-"

"Xavier, it's for university. It'll be much better this way. You can concentrate on your academics and I-"

"No," I stared at him, I couldn't believe what he was asking of me. "I'll find something here. Or maybe I could move East as well and look-"

"Xavier, do you think that thought never crossed my mind?" he shook his head. "I searched and this was the only option. This will get you the degree and help you find a job-"

"If you want me to get a job-"

He sighed, exasperated, "I don't want you to get a job. It is just something you will eventually do anyway-"

"I'll...get to a restaurant or something. Maybe pursue open learning."

"When you already have such a viable option and the means? You'll just throw that away?" He shook his head. "You are much more capable than th-"

Xavier (Sugar Baby 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now