Chapter 1:The Newbies

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       Charley's POV:

     "No!" I yell at my sister, "I said take a left not a right. Come on can you do anything right? Gosh!" I am upset because it is our first day working at the Behavioral Analysis Unit or BAU and we're late. My sister said that she "knew" where she is going but I am not surprise that she got us lost.

My sister gives me a stern look and says, "Calm down. We are not going to be late. We are suppose to be there at 8:30. It is only 7:55." My sister Nina is not as punctual as I am. Nina has always been the calm cool and collected sister and I have been the stressed out one. 

"Come on little sis' lighten up!" Nina says as we pull in to the garage of the BAU "See I told you we were going to make it on time."

I roll my eyes and give her my famous sister glare that I know she totally loves. We walk to the elevators and push the button. The right door open and we step in and push floor two and as the doors close I look at Nina and ask, "Are you nervous?"

Nina's POV:

'Cant you do anything right? Gosh!' 

'Gosh is right' I thought to myself  'Why did I say I knew where the BAU was? I knew I pasted it from time to time but I didn't know that the entrance was going to hidden.'

I try to calm my sister down because even though we got lost we still made it to the BAU with 30 minutes to spare. As we walk into the elevator she asks me if I was nervous.

Internally I am freaking out. This is our first day at the BAU and we are the newbies. It's like being called out in front of the class when being the new student at a completely different school. But, I look at my younger sister and say, "Charley Bear you know I am not the nervous type. I am fine but I know you are freaking out."

Charley takes a deep breath and starts to ramble, " I was top of my class and was able to graduate early. I got a job at the BAU WITH my older sister who will be working with me. Since you are older you will probably embarrass me and I will be the laughing stock at the BAU and not be treated with respect."

I look at Charley and I was about to laugh but then I realized that yeah she one of the youngest agents at the BAU and I need to treat her as a co-worker than my little sister. I take Charley's hand and say, "I Promise when we are working a case or are with other agents that I will treat you as my colleague than my sister unless you give me permission. I know it is nerve racking being young but I know you will strive to be a great asset to the BAU."

She then proceeded to hug me and say "Thank You."

Just then the elevator doors open and we were greeted by our boss Agent Arron Hotchner.

Arron's POV:

I am walking to the elevators when I hear Penelope's voice, "We have a case chickadees."

"I'll be right there " I yell "I just need to get the new agents up to speed."

Right when I got to the elevator the doors had open and Agents Nina and Charley walks in. I put my hand out " Welcome " I said with a slight smile. I am not someone who smiles a but I have been known to be "intimidating" so I trying something new. I don't like it. 

One of them shook my hand and said "Thank you. My name is Nina and this is my lit- sister Charley." Charley chimed in "We are happy to be here." and shook my hand.

" I am sorry we have to cut this short but we do have a case. I'll show you the conference room." I guided then through the office and into the room where they met the team. I did a quick introduction of them "Everyone this is Nina and Charley Jones they are sisters. Nina and Charley both graduated at Harvard University with multiple bachelor's degrees and I believe Charley you have some PHDs too right?" I question.

Charley looked at the team and stuttered " Ye- Yes... I have a PHD in Mathematics." 

I could tell that both of them were nervous and I was putting them on the spot. Charley was not good at hiding her nerves but Nina was actually really good. I decided to put Charley out of the spot light and said "We will get to know everyone later but right now we have a case."

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