Chapter 25: Captive Feelings

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Emily's POV:

"NO DON'T," I yelled when I saw the man pointing a gun at a little boy. I moved my hand to the side and remembered my gun wasn't there. The man turn around and pointed the gun at me.

"Who do you think you are? I killed that woman and I'll kill you too," he said and walking to me and loading his gun.

Nina then yelled, "You will be shooting an FBI agent and you will be sent indefinitely to jail and probably executed."

I looked at her and saw she had her gun pointed at him. Nina said calmly, "Now put the gun down. Or I will shoot."

He said,"Looks like you will be dealing with two dead bodies," and pulled the trigger.

*POP* *Bang*

I heard a pop and then a bang. I open my eyes to see Nina standing over him and applying pressure to his leg. She pushed the gun towards me and I saw that the gun was jammed and when he tried to pull the trigger it didn't work. Nina did what she had to do. She thought that he was going to shoot so she shot him and hadn't realized the gun was jammed.

The policed arrived and demanded Nina to drop her gun and she did so trying to explain everything but the cops didn't listen. They proceeded to handcuff her and take her out.

I ran after them saying, "Sir she's an FBI Agent. The man was going to shoot me so she reacted properly."

The officer said rudely, "Did she try to defuse the situation?"

I said firmly, Yes, and the only reason I am alive is because his gun jammed and when she heard the sound of a gun firing she fired too. We didn't know at the time the gun was jammed."

The officer looked at me with disbelief, "Ma'am she was caught shooting a civilian we can't just let her go because she's an agent."

I was furious. This was the second time I saw Nina in handcuffs but this time for the wrong reasons. It hurt me to see Nina being put in the back of a police car.

I called Hotch and he answered, "Prentiss are you okay?"

"No," I sighed, "Nina's been arrested again, but not because she did something. Well she did-"

"Emily," Hotch interrupted and I continued, "The power went out at my apartment and we heard a scream so when the lights went on again we wanted to see if everyone was okay. We walked out and a woman was shot and a man was pointing a gun at a boy so I tried to clam the man down but he wasn't having it. He said he isn't scared to shoot me and pointed the gun at me. Nina chimed in and tried to get him to put the gun down but he pulled the trigger and so did Nina. Luckily for me we found out that his gun was jammed but the police still arrested her and wouldn't let her explain. I tried too but they didn't listen. I need you to go the the station and straighten things out."

Hotch agreed to meet up with me and Nina at the station. I stayed at the apartment for a little wile with the young boy until child protective services came and then I left to meet Hotch.

Hotch's POV:

I rush to the police station and saw Nina in a holding cell. I held up my badge to let me in and I went straight to Nina.

She notice me and came up to me but being stopped by the metal bars. She asked me, "How did you know I was here?"

I told her that Emily had called me and told me everything. She looked at me with worry and said, "I didn't do anything wrong," then I heard someone else in the cell with her laugh saying, "Ha sure you didn't, they all say the same." I stared at him not amused at all.

I had to straighten this out so I went to the captain once Emily was there.

I knock on the door and entered saying, "Captain the federal agent is innocent. She reacted responsibly and did not kill anyone."

The captain looked at me saying with anger, "I don't care if she was doing things properly. She was off duty and didn't have to shoot the man." Just then Emily sent me a text saying the man was in the federal wanted list. I knew Nina was good now.

"The man was pointing a gun at a woman who is also a federal agent. It doesn't matter if they are on duty. If there is a threat to our community any officers or agents either on duty or not would react the same way," I said firmly and saw he was getting more irritable and said, "She Shot A Civilian And So The State Has The Right To Hold Her For 24 Hours. Now GET OUT BEFORE I ARREST YOU SIR."

I said, "Then I have no choice than to tell you that You are threatening a federal agent and also wrongfully imprisoned another so that gives me the right to say Joey Samuel you are hear by under arrest-,"

"What For," He said confidently thinking I wasn't doing it.

"For arresting a federal agent and threatening one too. But I won't arrest you if you let Nina go. If you don't Nina will get released soon but you will be in custody for much longer," I said. He looked at me with fear and I knew he was about to crack. He stood up and opened the cell and let Nina go.

Nina quickly embraced me and I hugged her back. Emily hugged her too and they held hands and walked away.

Nina's POV:

I am so grateful that Hotch got me out and it was the first time in a while that I actually spoke to him.

Emily and I drove back to her apartment and I said, "You can stay at my home or I will stay with you. I don't want you to be alone."

She turned to me and said, "Before all this happened I wanted to know what are we?" She sighed, "Nina I confessed my love to you and you never said anything. Yes you asked me to come with you and all but I need to know are we a thing or not? I don't want my heart to fall more in love with you and then get my heart broken again-" I cut her off by kissing her but she pulled away.

"No your not going to defuse this situation by kissing me and leaving it to that," Emily said angrily and walked off.

I watched her walk in the distance and realized I've been doing it all wrong. I start running towards her yelling for her to stop when all of the sudden a bright light hit me, and I was out.

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