Chapter 24: Waiting Game

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Nina's POV:

Emily and I rejoined the BAU and it felt nice being there. Finally the month was over and I was able to have contact with Charley and so I texted, 'Hey, Finally we can see each other. I know you are still in California but hopefully we can meet up?'

But when she responded with, 'I'm fine love you miss you' I didn't understand. She didn't respond to my last text asking if she was okay so I let it be.

It's been a week and Charley hasn't answered me or called me or anything. I wanted to call her but I knew she wouldn't answer so I played the waiting game and waited for her to text me or call me.

I loved being back at work because I was working with the team again. Everyone got together and we laughed and had drinks, except for me, but we had a great time. I haven't really been talking to Hotch unless I had to. I was also waiting for him to talk to me.

That night before we left the office Emily walks up to me and said seriously, "We need to talk." I was nervous and asked, "Now?" Emily responded with no and said for me to be at her apartment at 8 PM today. I nodded and she left. I looked at my watch 7:15 PM it said. I left to my house and changed into something nice but conservative and waited for the clock to say 7:45 PM. It only took 10 minutes to get to Emily's apartment but I didn't want to run into traffic and if I got there early I would wait in my car until it was time.

I got there at 7:57 PM and started walking to her apartment with my heart about to jump out of my chest. I waited at the door and looked at my watch seeing if it was 8 but it was one minute till. I watched as the seconds increased to 56, 57, 58, 59,and 00. I knocked and she open the door.

She smiles and says, "Hey, Come in." I walk in slowly and didn't know what to do. I was nervous even though I've been to her place many times; but this time she needed to talk.

I sat my purse down and we sat facing each other. It looked like she was nervous but I was probably more nervous than her. She was about to speak when the timer went off and she attended to her food that was cooking.

I helped her set the table and got some glasses and a wine glass for her. We sat and ate a little and talked about one of the cases we are working. Then I asked, "what do you want to talk about tonight?"

She looked at her food and then at me and took a deep breath and then the power went out. We heard a scream from outside and then the lights went back on. We ran outside to see who had screamed and saw blood and a woman on the floor and someone pointing a gun at a little boy.

Charley's POV:

I texted Nina, 'Hey, sorry that I haven't texted back but I just wanted to tell you before everyone finds out but I am quitting the BAU.'

Nina responded with, 'WHAT WHY?' and I just said, 'It's time for us to move on. I will be disconnecting this phone and I don't want you to find me please.'

I left the house to disable my phone and I got a new one and the first person I put in the contacts was Spencer. I called him and he said, "This is Dr. Spencer Reid I actually can come to the phone right now with a very special message that your mothers need-,"

"Woah, Calm down Mr. Mama's boy it's just me Charley," he stutters, "I- Oh- I am so sorry Charley. Did you get a new phone?"

"Yes and I don't want anyone to know this number okay not even Nina," I said and then hung up.

I had Spencer bring up some of my things for me and we also met up a couple times. I stayed hidden and Spencer kept my secret.

Later in the fall my parents, Sofia, Dorian and I moved to another house and no one explained anything again. Now it was mom, dad, and Dorian who were being secretive all together and I finally had enough so I decided to bug the room with mini microphones so I can figure out what is going on.

One afternoon everyone went to the store and I said that I wanted to go for a run and shower and they were okay with it. I grabbed my microphones and went into the room and placed them in places they wouldn't know.

They came home and I helped with the groceries and then them three went into the room and so did I. I listened very carefully and heard too much.

*In the other room*

Cathy's voice, "Okay we finally are settled in and we will give it a week before we start the spree again. Dorian don't mess it up again because the BAU, YOUR SIBLINGS, were able to identify you."

Dorian's voice, "I'm sorry I had to be on my own when you guys left us. You pretty much threw me into the deep end and I drowned."

John's voice, "Okay everyone calm down. Dorian change up the way you kill instead of doing the same ones that is how they figure out it was you. Because you strangle, slice, then beat them it's not good enough."

Dorian's voice, "What about Charley? Is she going to join?"

Cathy's voice, "I think she will she hasn't contacted Nina and I can tell she has some pent up anger within her that she will like to release. Also, she is related to famous serial killers. It's in her blood to murder."

Dorian'c voice, "What about Nina?"

Cathy's voice, "No. Nina is not because of Aaron she has good within her. She never even asked if Charley was okay after she disappeared. Nina was also raised by two pure soul parents for two years and I knew when I took her back she was not a Jones'."

*Back to Charley*

I couldn't believe it. My parents were serial killers and they want me to be one. I didn't now how to feel because a part of me was 100 percent agreeing with them but also I was thinking about how Nina took care of me.

I went out of my room and barged into the other room where Cathy, John, and Dorian looked at me in shocked.

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