• S e v e n • ☆ D e k u v e r s e , S u i c i d a l ☆ • P a r t o n e •

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TW: Izuku's Childhood, Suicidal thoughts/actions, Self Harm

In the morning, everyone woke up and headed to class, just like any normal day. Something that they were unaware of was that this would be anything but a "normal" day.

"Good morning listeners! Aizawa did not want to budge from the teacher's lounge, so I am filling in until he decides to move!" Present Mic yelled, making the class cover their ears. "Today, instead of hero work, we'll be having someone from the support course demonstrating a new item!"

Hatsune walked into the room, "Hey everybody! How's it going? Today we'll be testing out one of my new babies! I'll need a volunteer, hmm... how about, YOU! Midoriya, right?"

Izuku just nodded.

"Great! Alright, sit down here and I'll get everything set up!"

Hatsume worked quickly, eventually finishing everything off by turning a dial and attaching some wires, via suction cups, to Midoriya's head. Aizawa had slinked into the room at one point, getting out of his sleeping bag without notifying anyone.

"Alright! This machine is going to be used to prove the multiverse theory! Basically, when I press this button, it will show things from Midoriya's past, how he dealt with them, and how he turned out in the future. Some of this will be fact and some will be fiction, however, there are some things you should keep in mind. First of all, none of these are the real Midoriya, so try not to get overly upset if he gets hurt. Secondly, all of these paths were possible at some point. Some of these are still possible now. So, as we watch the different path of your classmate, please remember that!"

Hatsume pressed a button and the machine made a whirring noise.

Multiverse loading...

Multiverse generated...


"Kacchan! Momma told me you got your quirk yesterday! That's so cool!" a young Izuku shouted.

"Aww!" Uraraka squealed.

"That's right! It's super cool, I can make explosions from my hand! I can't wait until you get your quirk, Izu-chan! We'll be Japan's wonder duo!" an equally young Katsuki says excitedly.

"Izu-chan?" Mina asks, tilting her head. "That's cute!"

A few days later...

"Kacchan..." Izuku started, tears swelling up in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Izuku?" Katsuki asked.

"I'm...," he sniffled, "quirkless..."

"N-no. No you're not! You probably have such a cool quirk, it's off the radar! You can't be quirkless! I refuse to be friends with someone who's quirkless!" he yelled.

"I'm sorry... Kacchan..."

A few people had tears in their eyes, meanwhile Bakugou was just looking out the window, regretting his past.

"Kacchan don't hurt him!"

"You wanna take his place? Fine then!"

Bakugou and the other kids kicked, punched, and used their underdeveloped quirks on him, leaving him with many bruises and cuts. Meanwhile, the kid he saved ran away, not even to tell a teacher, either.

"Mommy! I'm home!" Izuku called. "Mommy?"

Izuku looked around to find a note on the fridge.

'I'm sorry I'm not home for you, but I had to go to work. I'm at the cafe today if you need me, remember the phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. I love you, there's a plate of leftovers in the fridge, heat them up for two minutes.'

Izuku ate, then checked the clock. He went upstairs and took a shower, getting ready for bed. He had learned how to make a simple ramen dinner on his own so that he'd be able to cook for her when she worked late. Izuku cooked almost flawlessly.


The screen showed a montage of Izuku getting hurt by others at school and lying to his mom about it. It showed him as he matured much too fast due to his mother having two jobs. It showed him learning how to treat wounds and how to cover them with make-up.

"Where's his dad?" Uraraka asked.
"Tch. No one fuckin knows," Bakugou scoffed.
"What?" Uraraka said, concerned.

"Oi, Deku," Bakugou said, "you still wanna be a hero?"


"There might be a way," Bakugou snickered, "take a swan dive off of the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life."

"Why would you say that bro?! That's so unmanly!" Kirishima lectured.


Izuku was stunned for a moment.

"Okay Kacchan. If that's what you want."

"No!!" Uraraka yelled.

"He didn't say that..." Bakugou mumbled under his breath.

Izuku went home, clutching his burnt notebook. If that's what he really wants...

When Izuku got home, his mother was out working.

'When I'm gone she'll only have to work one job.'

He went upstairs and wrote out a letter.

'Dear mom,
I'm sorry if I caused you any burden. Maybe now you can be happy. Only work one job, date again, have a son who is actually useful, have a better life. I know you'll forget that I ever even happened. You were my best friend, but I doubt that's the role you would've chose. I will never be able to protect you. Who wants a hero who cuts himself and wants to die? I finally realized that they were right; all of those kids at school telling me to die. Majority rules, right? I'll miss you. You won't miss me, but I'll protect you. Love you.


Izuku put the letter underneath the bathroom door. He walked into the bathroom and took out his razor blade. He lost track at around thirteen, his vision becoming hazy. He turned the water on in the bath and allowed the tune to fill with warm water.

There was a flash of light, then the screen showed a frantic Inko calling an ambulance and them taking him away.

Another flash. Midoriya recovering in the hospital, waking up to a worried Inko, angry/relieved Mitsuki, and an apologetic Bakugou.

Another flash. It showed Izuku training hard to get into UA, but failing. It then shows him getting into a good, non-hero high school.

Another flash. Izuku is taking psychology classes at university.

Another flash. Izuku is now, quite hilariously, Katsuki's anger management therapist.

End of Multiverse.

Many were crying, a few were laughing, and everyone was trying to get over the shock of Midoriya's past... except for Bakugou (who was regretting his younger years so much) and Shinsou (who was seething with invisible anger.

"Well, time for the next multiverse!"

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