• F o u r t e e n • ☆ T h e t e s t ☆

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~The next week, Thursday~

"A mental health test?! And you didn't think of telling me sooner?" Izuku exclaimed, pacing back and forth.
"Sorry, Zuku, I was worried you'd freak out, like how you're doing right now," Shinsou explained. "It's three am, how about we go to sleep and talk about this in the morning?"
"Ok fine, still can't believe your only telling me now..."

Midoriya curled up next to Shinsou, who brought his face close to his own.

"Good night," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on Midoriya's lips, causing the smaller boy to go red.

(Have some fluff before the thunder storm of angst, you're welcome)

~In the morning, 6:00 AM~

"Mm... Hito-"

He was cut of by the soft snores of his... friend? Boyfriend? He didn't know.

He carefully maneuvered out of Hitoshi's grip, on his way to take a shower and make breakfast. As soon as he got started on the latter, he felt a hand run through his hair.

"You could have told me you were awake, you know."
"I wanted to let you sleep in a bit..."
"School doesn't even start until 8:00 AM, you can come back to bed."
"You make us sound like a married couple," Izuku laughed. "Besides, I have to finish breakfast. Take a seat, it'll be done soon. Do you want your regular coffee?"
"Yes, definitely."

Shinsou got his surprisingly sweet coffee, and eventually everyone came downstairs to take their share of the cat shaped pancakes that Midoriya made. (thanks to: Aoyiorno & ac_uwu)

And off to their doom they go.

"Alright, I introduce: Dr. Mentaru!" Nezu announced once all of class 1-A was seated in the auditorium.

"Hi! I'm Dr. Mentaru! My quirk allows me to see into the mind of whoever I touch. I can see mental disorders, eating disorders, and what causes these problems to arise. These results are completely private and only shared with your homeroom teacher, Recovery Girl, you, and anyone you trust enough to tell. Your results will no affect your school life,"

Just then, almost the entire room let out a relieved sigh.

"however, mental health days may be implemented throughout the year to allow students to take a break. Okay! You can stay in here, first up is... Yuuga Aoyama. Please come with me."

~Time Skip~

The students had received their results and were now taking advantage of their free day at the dorms.

"My god Aizawa, where do you find these kids?"
"Don't ask me, ask the problem children," Aizawa said, looking over the results.

Paper was strewn all over the place. Some lists were longer than Aizawa himself, and some shorter than M*neta. Somehow.

~At the dorms~

"So, what was on your report?" Shinsou asked Izuku.
"It was a long, long list. Trust me."

Izuku pulled on one of Hitoshi's large lilac hoodies and sat on his bed.

"Did you seriously just steal my hoodie?" Shinsou asked, sitting behind Izuku.


"Hey Hito..."
"Yeah 'Zuku?"
"About that kiss last night... are we... dating?"
"Do you want to be?"
"Kind of..."
"Then your answer is yes, we are dating."

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