• T w e l v e • ☆ N o t e b o o k ☆

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Tw: Suicidal mentions, mentions of mental health problems/eating disorders

Shinsou was the first at Izuku's side when Recovery Girl said he was okay for visitors. Bakugou, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Kaminari also sat there, waiting for him to wake up. Valentine's Day was coming up in just a few weeks and they all had cards for him.

Izuku could only see black. The phrase "wake up" repeated in his head over and over again, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. He started feeling burns form on his body. He needed to wake up. Now.

It was getting late, so Recovery girl told everyone to go home. Shinsou was walking to his dorm, he passed by Izuku's. Realizing that he'd be lonely without him, he used the spare key he had and went in.

Shinsou first chuckled at the sight of his room, covered in All Might merch, pictures of him and his classmates, pictures of him and his mom, and even merch of the students. He closed the door and lied down on Izuku's bed and took in the fading scent of him. Even though he wasn't one to snoop, he was curious and picked up one of his notebooks and started flipping through it. He saw notes on heroes, there quirks, how they can improve, their fighting styles, and even their stats. But at the end of the notebook, he saw something odd. A note.

Dear Mom,

If you're reading this, you're probably sobbing your eyes out, so I'll keep it short. I'm useless. I'll never be able to protect you. I can't handle the bullying, or seeing you so tired after working three jobs to keep me alive. Im sorry.

Shinsou hesitantly turned to the next page.

Dear Kacchan,

You're welcome. You should be happy now. Go be the pro hero I know you can be.

Shinsou saw other pages, but rather closed the notebook, and cried.

Dad 🐱💤


Mini me: hey dad?

Dad: Yeah?

Mini me: Can you convince them to do a mental health check up for Mental Health week next week? Just sayin, I just got into this class and I'm already concerned...

Dad: Which one?

Mini me: Kaminari hasn't slept in weeks, Uraraka is refusing to eat, Iida is putting a lot of pressure on himself, Momo keeps putting herself down, Todoroki runs away from the kettle any time someone uses it, I found a suicide note in Midoriya's notebook, Tokoyami keeps blasting depressing music, Koda is starting to doubt his powers, and a lot more. Your class is not mentally stable at all.

Dad: ...The mental health screening can be arranged...

Dr. Mentaru


Aizawa: Are you free any next week?

Dr.M: I'm off on Thursday, why? I can't see patients when I'm off.

Aizawa: I'm concerned about my class and we need a mental health screening, if possible.

Dr.M: Certainly!

OwO? What are they gonna find out?

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